Listens! Here’s the lowdown on testing!



In the spring we said the three D’s: discipline for masks, disinfection, distance. Now we put a fourth D – vitamin D. I warn not to overdose – vitamin D is taken intermittently – 10-15-20 days. 4 drops is the normal dose for an adult, about 1 or 2 drops for children, depending on their age and weight. This was stated by the director of the NCIPD, Professor Todor Kantardzhiev, in the periodic briefing of the health authorities.


“Strangers talk a lot about testing, how so few laboratories can do so many tests. There is a national laboratory that is responsible for the methods. How the quality control is done: each laboratory that performs the tests assures us that the operating rules and has the necessary capabilities, the first 5 tests are sent to the National Reference, the first 10 are sent.

This assesses whether this laboratory is certified to perform tests. There is a list of 65 laboratories, it is constantly updated. Its results are recognized in Bulgaria and in the EU. 17 are accredited to the highest standard, automatically meet below standard.

185 laboratories report their positive cases. They are private, only the Ministry of Health made sure that their activities are qualitatively controlled and the state forces them to provide data on the results. If the rapid antigen test is positive, you can infect. PCR can take several days before symptoms appear.

We do less testing than Western countries, but more than other Balkan countries, PCR diagnosis is the most common in the world. Currently there is no flu, its circulation is in November, the spread is in December and the peak is in January. Rapid antigen tests will save the system!

“A private laboratory, I won’t tell you which one, it has more than 200 places to work on materials. 150 places are needed. Do you think we are lying to you with numbers to scare you? We never wanted to scare you. PCR was accepted by the whole world as the diagnosis more certain. We use it to know who the patient should be, “said the expert.

“Since spring I have been saying that when a case of a sick person is found in the hospital, medical personnel who have been in contact with an infected person should be examined after 4 days, because it will be negative. 4-5 days to be positive. It is important to tell the truth, ”explained Professor Kantardzhiev.
