Outdoor masks are not mandatory for children under 6 years of age and athletes – Bulgaria


Outdoor masks are not mandatory for children under 6 years of age and athletes.

© Julia Lazarova

After the government announced earlier in the week that it would again force people to wear masks in open spaces, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov tonight issued an order approving the measure. It enters into force on October 22 (Thursday) and will be in force until the end of November, when the anti-epidemic emergency situation prevails.

The order states that it will be mandatory to wear a mask or a device that covers the nose and mouth if a physical distance of 1.5 meters cannot be observed. Also, family members do not need to wear masks. This important clarification comes after Prime Minister Boyko Borissov insisted at today’s cabinet meeting that “all details be outlined in the order.”

“It should be explained precisely and clearly to people that when a person walks alone on the street, rides a bicycle, walks in the park or is in open places where there is no crowd, it is not necessary to wear a mask,” Borissov said.

The advice of the Prime Minister was apparently taken into account by the Minister of Health and the order emphasizes that “in case of overcrowding and inability to maintain a physical distance of 1.5 m. Citizens must wear a mask or other means that covers the nose and mouth (in including towel, scarf, helmet, etc.) “.

“The exceptions are customers in restaurants and drinking establishments; outdoor and indoor sports; participants in congress-conference events and the like during their speeches; presenters and guests on television programs. Exceptions are children under 6 years. age “is written in the order.

It is emphasized that “in the case of immediate customer service that requires a distance of less than 1.5 meters, the use of a safety mask or helmet is mandatory. Exceptionally, customer service without a face mask or safety helmet is permitted when provided. mechanical partitions made of glass or other transparent material that allow for wet cleaning or disinfection. ”Professions such as manicurists and taxi drivers fall into this category.

The Ministry of Health also points out that masks are mandatory in closed public places. These are means of transport for public transport, medical and health establishments, pharmacies, opticians, national centers for public health problems, administrative institutions and other places where citizens are served or have access, train and bus stations, airports , metro stations, commercial. sites, churches, monasteries, temples, museums, etc. In shops there should be a distance of 1.5 meters between customers queuing.

Employers are advised not to allow employees with manifestations of acute respiratory illness, including symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell, alteration or loss of taste, among others.

The fines for non-compliance with the provision are from BGN 300 to BGN 1,000 and, in the event of repeated violation, from BGN 1,000 to BGN 2,000.
