A lawyer from Plovdiv took a walk to Edirne over the weekend and shared his impressions on Facebook. Not from the market and alash-verisha, not from the natural and historical landmarks of the Turkish city, but from … his battle with COVID-19, or what amazed him during his two-day stay in the city, writes Glas bg .
We offer you his story without editorial intervention:
“Just facts! At the border they give you a mask and disinfectant gel, in the streets without a mask there are only babies in a stroller;
before entering a store, their temperature is measured and their hands should be disinfected; samples are disinfected before and after entry;
the same manipulation is done with the clothes you measure; at breakfast in the hotel you are given gloves to serve at the buffet (next time you go, new gloves);
the table you sit on is disinfected in front of you three times (!); utensils are packed; when leaving you offer disinfectant wipes;
box with 50 units. the masks cost 5 leva (!) and can be bought at any supermarket; every 2 hours open markets are disinfected; absolute discipline and self-discipline …
It saddens me to see our carelessness and arrogance! “
And now go out on the streets: in any Bulgarian city, go into any Bulgarian shopping center, sit in any Bulgarian cafe, buy a mask in any Bulgarian pharmacy and look around you.
The conclusions will come by themselves …