Hospitals full, no doctors, pray for a drop to 2-3 weeks (overview)


The Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, met with the Mayor of Sandanski Atanas Stoyanov.

Today they are deciding whether the quarantine will take place for 14 to 10 days.

Coronavirus wards in several cities are already overcrowded, there are not enough beds, and doctors are lacking to care for patients. The most difficult situation is in Shumen, Burgas, Targovishte and Dobrich.

On Monday, 395 of the 1,581 tests carried out were newly diagnosed with the virus, which means that the percentage of infected by the test reaches 25%, according to data from the information system. Thus, the total number of active cases in our country amounts to 11 574, 1,500 are treated in hospitals, of which 74 are in the intensive care unit. 18 people died.

Before the collapse

for the big one

number of infected

are the hospitals

in Burgas

The 16 beds in the infectious disease ward of the city hospital are already occupied and there are not enough staff. The specialized COVID-19 wards in the city were filled in late September. Then Mayor Dimitar Nikolov called for other hospitals in the city to be included in the coronavirus patient service.

In front of

closure due to


of doctors

It is Shumen Hospital. Here also the coronavirus room is full.

The health system in the Targovishte district is also overloaded. Doctors and medical staff at the three hospitals where coronavirus patients are admitted are overworked and overstaffed.

Insufficient money

For security


and consumables, said the deputy. regional governor Panayot Dimitrov.

The Plovdiv Infectious Diseases Hospital at St. George’s Hospital also announced that it could not accept any more patients. In the Plovdiv region alone, the number of infected doctors is currently 87.

The lack of sisters is becoming a growing problem at Dobrich. There are no volunteers, said Dr. Georgi Zhelyazkov, the city’s hospital attorney. 10 nurses are needed.

“We are not worried about the shortage of beds. We are concerned about the strength of the Bulgarian doctors, who have been packed in suits non-stop for 6 months, giving their best. This is the only thing that worries us and we will be close to them. If necessary, we will enter medical institutions to help.

We will not stop

be be

doctors ”,

said Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov, who visited the hospitals in Blagoevgrad, Sandanski, Razlog and Gotse Delchev. Massive inspections of restaurants and public transport have begun, many mayors have also imposed measures, and this could reduce the number of infected in 2-3 weeks.

There will be an advisory meeting of experts in epidemiology and infectious diseases on Tuesday to decide whether to reduce the quarantine from 14 to 10 days, he explained. According to studies around the world, “around the 10th day after the onset of clinical symptoms, the person is unlikely to transmit the infection,” Angelov said.
