Tighten measures against the spread of COVID-19 in some places (OVERVIEW)


Tighten measures against the spread of COVID-19 in some places. Following the regional operational headquarters meetings, the Sofia and Plovdiv authorities issued new orders.

The mayor of the capital ordered to strengthen control in shopping centers and public transport, and in Plovdiv they imposed a limit of 100 people in malls and department stores. A mandatory distance of 2 meters outdoors must also be respected.

In this context, the main hospitals in our country have exhausted their capacity for COVID-19 patients, and one in four Bulgarians examined for coronavirus in the last 24 hours has tested positive.

Even more intensified inspections in Sofia for compliance with measures against COVID-19

The percentage of positive samples compared to the tests performed doubled in a few days. If last week it was around 12%, we have already reached 25%. The number of people admitted to hospitals is also high. There are currently 1,500 people being treated there, and 74 people have been admitted for intensive care. The large medical establishments in our country have already indicated that their capacity is running out.

Only during the last week, the number of patients with COVID-19 in “Pirogov” is double, said director Prof. Asen Baltov.

“There were 34, currently there are 68. Four are in intensive care in serious condition, intubated,” said Professor Baltov.

As a result, the capacity for coronavirus patients in the hospital is depleted. In the same situation are the other important hospitals in Sofia: “Academy of Military Medicine”, “St. Anna” and “Alexandrovska”.

“It is all a matter of reorganization. You cannot have a hospital with 700 beds and only 10 for a coronavirus,” thinks Professor Baltov.

COVID-19 PATHOLOGY: What do autopsies of the dead reveal?

However, the Minister of Health has a different opinion.

“At the moment we are not concerned about the shortage of beds. We are concerned about the doctors,” said Professor Kostadin Angelov.

He once again announced that at this time there is no need for additional measures, but the call not to travel in the Blagoevgrad region remains.

“Mass inspections everywhere, in all public places, discos, public transport. I think that if this happens in 2-3 weeks, these numbers will change and I will be the first to say to travel,” Professor Angelov said.

At the same time, in some places, the headquarters of the crisis took matters into their own hands. As of today, the admission regime for department stores returns to Plovdiv.

“We will return, just like the old measures: go in less, wait outside,” said Mayor Zdravko Dimitrov.

They are introducing emergency measures in Plovdiv

And to limit the infection, in Burgas they provided rapid tests to students with symptoms.

“If the test is positive for COVID, it will be sent to a specialized laboratory to perform a PCR test to confirm the diagnosis up to 100%,” explained Maria Dinkova from the Municipality of Burgas.

The situation in Sliven remains dire.

“We have a concentration of a large number of infected people, although most of them are concentrated in Kachulka,” said Mayor Stefan Radev.

Prof.Baltov: COVID-19 is a tuned virus in which there is a laboratory contribution

And experts have publicly questioned for the first time that COVID-19 is not just a virus.

“It is definitely not a simple flu, for me it is a virus that, perhaps, we see that it does not lend itself to anything related to virology at the moment, and for me it is one that I will call a tuned virus. Created in a laboratory, ”commented Prof. Baltov.


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