Reuters: Bulgaria and 14 other countries want joint action against 5G-Europe conspiracies


© Associated Press

The European Union needs a strategy against misinformation about 5G technologies. Otherwise, you run the risk of ruining the economic recovery.

This was stated by 15 countries, including Bulgaria, in a letter to the European Commission, seen by Reuters.

Conspiracy theories about new wireless technology have led to the burning of signal towers in ten European countries, as well as attacks on workers.

The letter was sent to the European Commissioners for Digitization (Margrethe Westeger), Internal Market (Thierry Breton) and Transparency and Values ​​(Vera Yourova). It has been signed by Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden and Poland.

“Obviously we are witnessing increasing activity from the anti-5G movement in the EU,” he said. The countries urge the EU to “take an active, long-term and systematic approach” to concerns about 5G and electromagnetic fields.

“We also accept the need for more research on public health risks, the dissemination of reliable information among European citizens and the urgent need for education in this field at European level,” the letter, published by EurActiv, reads. “The fears and anxieties of people who oppose 5G due to concerns about electromagnetic fields must be taken seriously. In this context, a broad and inclusive debate will help build public trust.”
