Scientist: Russian vaccine against COVID-19 turned out to be a preparation for animals


In Russia, 45 different drugs are being developed for vaccination against the new coronavirus on 14 platforms PHOTO: Pixabay

The Russian COVID-19 vaccine is actually a veterinary drug. This was announced on his Facebook page by the director of the Russian biopharmaceutical company, a research associate at the Haya Alexander Kudryavtsev Institute of Chemical Physics, writes

He recalled that the composition of the “vaccine” has not been published for a long time. Now that the information on this has finally been known, Kudryavtsev is very disappointed. According to him, this is not a new discovery, and the vaccine “is not even from an older generation, but from veterinary science.”

“The vaccine is the type for animals that are slaughtered; it is not scary that it will die, the main thing is not to spread the infection. No sane person would think of using such a vaccine in humans. However, it turns out that it can “says the scientist.

Kudryavtsev points out that the regular flu shot contains 45 mcg of antigens, which not everyone normally can tolerate. Therefore, those in which the antigens were 15 mcg were prepared.

At the same time, the Russian coronavirus vaccine has 225 mcg of antigens, even 250.

Also, Kudryavtsev says, the vaccine’s makers did not announce important features of their product.

On August 1, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia was the first in the world to register a coronavirus vaccine. The mass vaccination of Russians begins this year.
