Dr. Georgi Hubchev did not understand that he was already a teacher: the virus brought him down a day earlier.


– In 48 hours, COVID-19 literally ground the body of the oncogynecologist, remdesivir didn’t help either

– He operated 10 hours a day, and then he went to play soccer, say his colleagues from Burgas.

– In his memory, the owner of the Virgen María Hospital provides it in its entirety for the treatment of patients with coronavirus

Just a week before contracting the coronavirus, obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Georgi Hubchev, loved and respected by thousands of patients and colleagues, came out in defense of his profession. However, he never waited for the official decision to declare him a professor. For several years she has taught obstetrics and gynecology classes at the University of Ruse.

The decision to become a professor comes a day after the doctor is already in the intensive care unit of the Burgas University Hospital “Deva Maria”, where he works as head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology. His condition is deteriorating extremely fast, in 48 hours the coronavirus literally eats his body, say doctors from the Burgas hospital.

To Dr. Hubchev, 66, Award Winner

“Doctor of

year “

for 2019,

It all starts on October 1. After another busy day at the hospital, where he underwent several major surgeries, the doctor told his colleagues that he was not feeling well. He doesn’t come to work the next day, which is unusual for him. You’re always ready to come to the rescue, arriving in minutes in an emergency without wasting time. Call the living room and ask to have the system turned on at home because it is not good.

Unfortunately, his condition has been deteriorating for hours. The first PCR test was negative, but the second confirmed that the gynecologist was infected with coronavirus. Within 48 hours, Dr. Hubchev’s gauges plummeted.

Directly accepted

in resuscitation

of UMHAT “Virgin Mary”, and his colleagues began using the drug remdesivir. Consultations with specialists continue not only in Bulgaria, but all over the world. The hospital spares no effort and resources to save the doctor who did so much for medicine not only in Burgas but also in the country. All possible treatments applied around the world are tried, but there is no improvement.

“I don’t want to suggest anyone and make a drama, but the virus literally crushes that person in 48 hours. Who wants to understand it the way he wants. This is true for this patient, while others do not even realize that they are sick. Yes Someone thinks that this is an invention, they are cruelly mistaken, ”says anesthesiologist Dr. Hristo Yakimov, deputy director of the hospital.

In an extraordinary briefing hours after the death of Dr. Hubchev, the medical leadership explained that not only the drug remdesivir was used in the treatment of the prominent gynecologist, but also surfactant and plasma, as well as all ventilation measures. Although they avoid placing the infected physician on mechanical ventilation until the very end, this remains unavoidable. A few days later, at 1.30 am on October 17, the 66-year-old doctor lost the battle against the insidious virus.

The main damage that COVID-19 has caused is in the doctor’s lungs. His other organs worked fine until the end. Everyone in the hospital is shocked – Dr. Hubchev

I did not have



played sports

regularly, it was


At 66, he looked like a 50-year-old man, energetic, active, positive. “I worked with him every day, he operated 10 hours a day. I, who am younger than him, get tired and he went to play soccer after a 10-hour operation. He led an active life and was extremely dedicated to his profession, ”says Dr. Yakimov.

“A great man, a phenomenon in his field, is gone. The loss is not at the local level, but at the national level. COVID managed to take a big victim. The forces of the Virgen María Hospital will be redirected to the treatment of this disease. Dr. Hubchev was not an ordinary person for the hospital. We, as his friends and colleagues, are committed to remembering his name for a long time, ”said owner Semir Abumelich.

He said he was willing to put the entire hospital at the disposal of the health minister. “If you decide, you can only make it contagious for COVID-19,” Abumelich said. It calls for a halt to the stupid debate over whether masks help and the even more absurd controversy over whether there is a coronavirus.

“Why should there be any doubt? Because we have not seen anyone die. I have already seen. Is this how it should happen, every Bulgarian should see another who dies to believe?” Abumelich is surprised.

He is the person who has been inviting Dr. Hubchev to work for him from the very hospital establishment. Come to Burgas and develop obstetrics and gynecology as one of the best multi-skilled specialists in his field, which in Bulgaria are few and far between.

At that time, Dr. Hubchev was already there.


consultant in

obstetrics and


lives and works in Ruse, where she runs the regional hospital’s obstetrics and gynecology clinic. The experienced doctor began working in Burgas as a guest, regularly traveled to the coastal city, reacted quickly in extreme situations, saving dozens of lives. A year and a half ago he settled permanently in Burgas and assumed the direction of the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the UMHAT “Deva Maria”.

“Even while he was living in Ruse, he came at any time of the day, saved several mothers with DIC syndrome. (pathological activation of blood coagulation – ba). Furthermore, Dr. Hubchev was a leading specialist in urogynecology, introducing new methods in this field. It has helped many women with incontinence. (urine leakage – ba), to return to lead a normal social life, “says Adriana Palazova, director of the” Virgen María “Medical Center.

He recalls how during a hospital workshop with two world-famous urogynecologists, organized by Dr. Hubchev, the Bulgarian doctor was amazed by his abilities. “Observing an operation performed by Dr. Hubchev, his colleague from Varna – associate professor, said in all sincerity that he wanted to break his diploma,” said Adriana Palazova.

“When I was saving, Dr. Hubchev was saving two lives: the mother and the baby. It is a privilege to have worked with him in various areas, and he became a father to me, even though I have living and healthy parents,” said the Dr. Georgi Prandjev, former specialist at Deva Maria University Hospital, at 24 Chassa. ”, Currently a doctor at Dr. Grigor Gorchev’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic in Pleven.

“And I owe it to Dr. Hubchev. I am determined to continue his work. I was very impressed by his kindness.

He was fine

for everyone, even

from your enemies

I didn’t understand it then, but I knew I was above them. Beethoven’s thought was in full force for him: “I can’t think of any other sign of superiority than kindness. It wasn’t until the sixth month after working in the hospital that I realized their true age. They weren’t visible to anyone. him, and in the operating room he was so resistant that in front of him I felt like a disaster ”, says the young doctor.

Remember Dr. Hubchev’s lessons that medicine is not just about reading, that a doctor must stay in good health to be good and useful in the profession. “He is

was proud of

What is one



Specialist in


which is extremely rare. I asked him what it means to be successful in the profession, and he said: have a vision of what you want to achieve, regardless of deprivation. He managed to catch you from the lowest point in your life and put you back on the map, ”thanks Dr. Prandzhev.

In young doctors, Dr. Hubchev first looked for some simple qualities: if they have the desire to work and what is their attitude towards people. He said the rest came over time. He spared no effort to transmit his experience to the students, accustomed them to any time of day in his office and began his lectures. Something that is also extremely rare in our guild, says Dr. Prandzhev.

Dr. Hubchev himself graduated from Pleven Medical University in 1980. Besides gynecology, he specializes in pelvic and laparoscopic surgery, urogynecology, oncogynecology, gynecological endocrinology and 4D ultrasound (prenatal diagnosis). In early 2018 he defended a dissertation on “Surgical treatment of stress incontinence in women.” It is known in medical circles with

a number


focuses on


of gynecological diseases, member of the European Association of Urogynecology.

After becoming Doctor of the Year in 2019, Dr. Hubchev received the Burgas Municipality’s honorary award “The Key to the Tower” for his great contributions to the development of medicine in the coastal town. Just a few days ago, his colleagues nominated him as “Doctor of Burgas 2020”, for his high medical professionalism, morality and ethics.

“Condolences to the family and everyone who loved him! I will always remember him with love and gratitude! “Said Mayor Dimitar Nikolov. The service in front of Prof. Dr. Georgi Hubchev will begin at 12:30 pm on October 20 at the Burgas Funeral Park.
