Scientists have discovered the simplest amino acid, glycine, on Venus, which may indicate the existence of life on the planet. This is stated in an article by the Midnapur College of West Bengal, published on the arXiv portal, cited by kanal3.bg.
The item was found using the huge Atacama antenna. The radio telescope has detected a characteristic line for the absorption of glycine with a frequency of 261.87 GHz in the middle latitudes of the planet. The signal is most pronounced near the equator; not observed near the poles.
“In astrophysics, chemical physics and biophysics, methods for synthesizing the simplest amino acid glycine from simple molecules are of great importance for chemical evolution and the origin of life,” said the study author.
According to experts, the discovery may indicate the existence of early life forms in the atmosphere of Venus.
The question of studying the atmosphere of Venus became especially relevant after scientists from Massachusetts and Cardiff announced in September that they had discovered phosphine gas in the planet’s clouds, which could indicate the existence of life on the planet.