Bulgaria will receive 11,430 million euros by 2027


There will be for the economy, northern Bulgaria and the metro

The draft of the association agreement has been published for public discussion.

11,430 million euros is the European and national funding for the next programming period 2021 to 2027. This is clear from the draft of the Bulgarian association agreement published for public discussion for this period.

The multiannual financial framework, approved by the European Council in July, establishes that Bulgaria will receive 16.7 billion euros. And in total compared to the previous programming period, the amount is double, then Prime Minister Borissov boasted.

In the draft agreement published for discussion, which contains the money for the individual programs, the amounts of the rural development program are not recorded. Funding with an additional 200 million euro resource for underdeveloped regions, which was the pride of the Prime Minister, will be distributed by program later, said Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev’s team. It is more likely to target the North West and North Central regions, the other option is all regions without Sofia.

The policies that will promote with these more than 11,000 million euros are:

– innovative and smart economic transition through innovation and applied science;

– clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investments, circular economy;

– improve mobility and regional connectivity;

– development and education of human resources;

– sustainable and integrated development of the country’s regions.

The top priority for the next few years is


growth of

the economy of

innovation base

The diagnosis is not good – our country remains in the group of “modest” innovators, our innovative performance is 49% of the European average. The sector is not sufficiently funded – we are ranked 27th in the EU in terms of share of public spending on research and development – 0.75% of GDP. Piecework is reported in the implementation of innovations from business, science for science itself, weak linkage with business, predominantly exports of low and medium low technology products.

This is the reason for the negotiations with the EC to create a new research, innovation and digitization program for intelligent transformation with a budget of 1,041 million euros.

1,555 million euros have been allocated to the Competitiveness and Innovation Program in companies. For the current programming period, 2.58 billion BGN is recorded.

So if we add the quantities of the two programs, it turns out that

the business will have

until 2027 with double

more money

– 2.5 billion euros together with money for science.

The clean and fair energy transition policy, which will be funded by more than one program, foresees an increase in the proportion of companies introducing low-carbon, energy-efficient and resource-efficient technologies. By 2035, an increase of up to 60% in recycled municipal waste and at least 70% by weight of all packaging waste and up to 78% increase in secondary wastewater treatment is expected. Another goal is a 50% reduction in the proportion of the population living at levels of contamination with fine dust particles above the permitted standards compared to 2017, as well as a 35% reduction in the proportion of people living at risk of disasters.

Investments in the Transport Connectivity Program of the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund amount to 1,900 million euros. Cohesion is 739 million euros, which is a decrease compared to the previous period, but this is offset by investments from the regional fund.

The 739 million euros will finance the modernization of the railway line from the Serbian border to complete the railway corridor to the Turkish border. The railway line Sofia – Radomir – Geshevo – border with North Macedonia will be built, which will guarantee the connection of the networks of Bulgaria and North Macedonia.

In the coming years, the focus will be

the completion of

road connections

in northern Bulgaria,

for the passage of traffic from / to Varna (Hemus highway) and in a north-south direction, it is written in the draft agreement. Investments are in the directions Danube Bridge – Ruse – Veliko Tarnovo – Under Shipka Tunnel – South Bulgaria and Danube Bridge 2 – Vidin – Sofia – South Bulgaria.

The money for transport connectivity, which comes from the European Regional Development Fund, is 1,162 million euros, it is for the development of the metro, for the transport management systems.

The regional development program foresees 1,830 million euros. The philosophy has changed, the role of local government is getting stronger. In addition to the program money, it is anticipated that 10% of the resources of the other programs will be turned over to local authorities for an integrated approach. It will focus on financing projects initiated by local communities, as well as integrated projects for more than one territory.

Exactly the territorial development at the regional level will be supported with funds from all the programs.

More than € 1.83 billion are provided under the “Environment” program from two funds: for regional development and the Cohesion Fund. Investments in settlements of more than 10,000 inhabitants are planned for the water supply and sewerage sector. For small towns, with a population of 2,000 to 10,000, it will depend on the Recovery and Sustainability Plan funding, but it is not yet clear what to trust.

1,900 million euros are allocated to the Human Resources program and more than 904 million euros to Education.
