The Bulgarian-Macedonian commission advanced on May 24


The Bulgarian-Macedonian Joint Commission for Historical Affairs has achieved Progress in developing a common position on the issue of May 24, writing and the work of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius. Is the only one of a total of 14 notes, related to history textbooks in which progress has been made.

This was stated by the co-chair of the commission on the Bulgarian side, Prof. Angel Dimitrov, in a joint press conference with the Macedonian co-chair, Prof. Dragi Georgiev.

“It just came to our knowledge then neither opportunity nor time to advance the subject of Gotse Delchev. This remains a task in the future, “said Professor Angel Dimitrov, quoted by BGNES.

We did not determine the identity of Gotse Delchev, he has determined himself. The is how he has defined himself, as is his family, this is the identity “- said Professor Dimitrov.

Professor Dragi Georgiev added that has a working text on this subject, but did not specify what it is about.

“We discussed the issue with Gotse Delchev, we have new proposals and ideas on the table, which were discussed will remain a topic of conversation of the commission and at the next meeting in Sofia, “said the Macedonian co-chair of the commission.

Professor Angel Dimitrov categorically emphasized that the issue of the Macedonian language has not been discussed by the commission, because it is within the competence of linguists – the subject is not historical and does not enter the work of the commission.

At the same time, he remembered that the May 24 holiday was created in Bulgaria and it is celebrated for the first time in our country, which makes it a Bulgarian holiday.

“Do not think that Bulgaria is doing something to harm anyone, Bulgaria has created this holiday.” The fact that others join him can only make us happy. “- emphasized Professor Dimitrov.

However, he said that “no one in Bulgaria has said that Saints Brothers Cyril and Methodius are Bulgarians“- His mission was assigned by Byzantium, and the role of Bulgaria is to save his cause.

“Don’t forget that the Glagolitic alphabet is the work of the holy brothers, and the Cyrillic alphabet was created in Bulgaria“said Professor Angel Dimitrov, emphasizing the role of the medieval Bulgarian state in creating the alphabet and literature.

“Respect the pioneering role of Bulgaria in the distribution of the holy brothers, “called the co-chair of the Bulgarian commission.

Regarding the thesis that the holiday is Slavic, he recalled that there are also non-Slavic peoples who use the Cyrillic alphabet.

In response to the flood of journalistic questions, Professor Dragi Georgiev pointed out that the purpose of the press conference was not to give a history lesson.

We can’t look up a history class here. “he said.

Professor Angel Dimitrov sees ray of hope for future commission work.

“These two days of Joint Commission talks are like the weather outside: it’s gray, more clouds, a little rain now and then for a short sun. What we did as a result is a little bit. a step forward.“- He explained.

Professor Dragi Georgiev announced that by the end of the year remember to hold another meeting of the Joint Committee, and five more will be held next year.

For his part, Professor Angel Dimitrov added: “Don’t expect feelings from us. We are not negotiating, we are having a scientific discussion. “

When asked by Skopje journalists what he would tell Bulgarian politicians about the results of the meeting, Professor Dimitrov said: “It will be difficult for me to give a positive answer, I will say what happened.”

In his communication with the North Macedonian media, he used the name “politicians”, as the politicians of our neighboring country call it.

“Politicians get away with it and historians have a responsibility to science“Professor Dimitrov is categorical.

He called to show more patience and recalled that politicians from both countries celebrated Gotse Delchev and the Ilinden Uprising together.

According to him, the manifestations of excessive expectations for the work of the commission are related to political intentions.

Professor Dimitrov stressed that this commission was created to facilitate the overcoming of attitudes that hinder our approach: to minimize those attitudes that interfere the contract to become not only a reality, but also to be motivator of new behaviors – not just at the state and political level. “

We will continue talking“We are not producers to say what we will produce in the future,” he added.

The commission’s co-chairs also recalled that their job is only one of the clauses of the neighborhood agreement between Bulgaria and North Macedonia and there are many others that need to be applied.

Angel Dimitrov stated that one of the problems is the lack of infrastructure from Skopje to the Bulgarian border: “26 years ago, when I was ambassador in Skopje, the first lawn of the railway line to the Bulgarian border was made. Today there is no progress in this project, but there was money, even from the EU. “

This was the tenth meeting of the Bulgarian-Macedonian Joint Commission for Historical Affairs. It ceased to function in November last year at the request of the Macedonian side due to the elections, which took place only in July 2020. For one year, the Macedonian side refused to sign the minutes of the last meeting in November 2019.

The Joint Commission is of great importance for bilateral relations under the Treaty of Friendship and Good Neighbor, signed by Prime Ministers Boyko Borissov and Zoran Zaev in August 2017.

Last week in the visit of Bujar Osmani In our country, the Sofia authorities insisted on finding a quick solution to the disputes before the important meeting of the Berlin Process for Macedonia, to be held on November 10 in Sofia, then our neighbor to the southwest should receive an invitation to the first intergovernmental conference. This will be the beginning of the North Macedonia talks on membership of the European Union.

We remind you the neighborhood agreement between Sofia and Skopje was signed on August 1, 2017. Two years later, at a meeting of the two heads of state in Poznan, Borissov and Zaev were unanimous in that the signing of contract has led to positive momentum in the partnership between the two countries and has contributed to resolving the the conflict with the name of our western neighbor and the conclusion of the Prespa Treaty, the treaty with Greece, which led to the adoption of the name North Macedonia and paved the way for our western neighbor to the European Union and NATO.

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