Professor Kantardjiev announced when the end of K-19 will come in Bulgaria


We are at the peak of the epidemic, in two areas the infected exceeded 120 per 100,000 inhabitants. So said to “Maritsa” Professor Todor Kantardzhiev.

This is what the expert said in his interview:

– Prof. Kantardzhiev, how long will we celebrate these records of those infected with COVID-19?

– First, our Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases publishes every Tuesday updated data on the incidence of COVID-19 every two weeks, it is important.

I emphasize that they have been found to be infected, not a series of tests. To prove a case, there must be a test, the reason for that test and / or a clinic of the disease. Unfortunately, we are now at the top.

It is very clear on the graph. The period until October 11 is longer than the months of July and August.

“The reasons?”

“You don’t depend on us humans.” It got colder. More and more people are indoors. The strong sun has stopped, there is no dryness of the air and that warm wind that protects when we are outdoors.

The second, however, is related to the human factor. Many people, especially in smaller settlements, are influenced by mixed messages sent, even by doctors. They stopped wearing masks.

They heard philosophizing about what and when goes through the mask.

That these are methods of terror and restriction of freedom. And they did not listen, for example, to what the head of the World Health Organization told them.

And I can’t understand why people are constantly being given a microphone, who instead of arguing with the head of the WHO, repeats myths, falsehoods! These people are manipulative.

– Could you clarify what are these myths and falsehoods?

– Let us explain to the Bulgarian citizens – this National Operational Headquarters, established on February 26, had four doctors. Professor Mutafchiiski, Associate Professor Dimov, Associate Professor Kunchev, and my mercy.

Plus three more colleagues: from the Ministry of the Interior, the Border Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On May 12, a law was passed replacing the state of emergency with emergency epidemiological measures. It was signed by the president on May 14.

These measures are signed by the Minister of Health at the proposal of the Chief State Inspector of Health.

Today I see a colleague speaking on Viber about the measures that came from Headquarters. Enough! He is manipulating you! What headquarters, what nonsense! The headquarters does not impose measures, does not impose fines!

Do not write measurements indoors, or introduce masks or insulators! I don’t know why the media repeats this manipulation all day!

– Vidin, Lovech and Pleven districts alone have fewer than 20 patients per 100,000 inhabitants.

Up to 60 patients per 100,000 in 13 districts: Varna, Vratsa, Veliko Tarnovo, Dobrich, Kyustendil, Pazardzhik, Pernik, Razgrad, Ruse, Silistra, Sofia district, Haskovo and Shumen.

In the area already at risk with 60 to 120 patients per 100,000 there are up to 10 districts: Burgas, Gabrovo, Kardzhali, Montana, Sofia, Sliven, Smolyan, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Yambol.

Unfortunately, in the last area with more than 120 patients based on 100,000 there are two districts: Blagoevgrad and Targovishte.

– Just two weeks ago we didn’t have a single area in this area, “Maritsa” published the statistics?

– And then I noticed that this awaits us if two things are not done: inner mask and distance. Anything that can be done outdoors, weather permitting, let it be done outdoors.

Ventilate, check ventilation systems. If possible, I suggested that schools or wealthier parents buy bactericidal UV lamps. Let them work during the lessons, as is already the case with our students.

Otherwise, I can talk to you for hours about the size of viruses and whether they pass freely, as one handler puts it, like mosquitoes through a window grill.

Jokes wit you don’t need it now

And my appeal to the media, especially the frequency media, because Garelov introduced the concept of electronics, and they are frequency. Enough of this coronavirus.

Information is given with the day’s data, there is a briefing from the Ministry of Health. Not at headquarters. Enough! And I do not go there as a member of the Staff, when the Minister called me, but as director of the National Center.

And to express my opinion. For example, for testing.

“I wonder what it is?”

– GPs should do rapid antigen tests, the same should be done in schools. When admitted to hospitals required! So as not to infect the patient in question throughout the hospital.

– How accurate are these new tests? Associate Professor Kunchev announced that his center is examining them.

“Yes, I can tell you now.” If a person becomes infected, the rapid test will be positive. Rapid antigen testing is not as sensitive as PCR, which can take 2 to 3 days before the onset of symptoms.

This has already been tested. We are now testing the rapid tests that distinguish flu from coronavirus. And what is said about PCR tests that catch the flu: It is not news in 10 years.

– The “3 in 1” tests in question for COVID-19, influenza “A” and “B”, what does your research show? They’re working?

– Yes, but again, when the infected person can already become infected. Not before this stage. It is not as sensitive as PCR.

– PCR test on what day is the infection spread, I had a personal case, and I read comparisons with pregnant women and sex in the morning?

– Usually on day 4-5 of contact, the PCR test can detect if you are infected. If you were in contact with a sick person today, but I’m talking about half an hour, they don’t catch you like that on the street, it is very likely that you will also get infected.

And if both are without masks. If the person in front of you yells, sings, 5-10 minutes is enough.

– How much do the tests in question cost?

– Antigen test is up to BGN 20 with IVA. The triple test: 35-40 leva. There are different companies that will probably offer different prices, but these are the indicative limits.

– What are the forecasts, an economics professor from Blagoevgrad gave 1200 infected per day?

– Let’s not take numbers. I was not surprised by today’s record of 785 infected (br- yesterday), I even thought there would be about 800 infected. For the first time in the National Reference Laboratory we had more than 100 cases yesterday.

We studied 15 areas and hospitals in them that do not have PCR laboratories. Yesterday, for the first time, the percentage of positives was 29.5! Almost one in three samples was positive.

We have never seen anything like it. We have reached 600 tests per day, but never 100 positive. Clusters, companies, nursing homes and hospitals are affected.

– How do you see the introduction of the 10-day quarantine instead of the current 14 days, the world seems to be heading there?

– I am in favor of a 10-day quarantine for those infected without symptoms or with mild symptoms. A report from the National Center for Disease Prevention in Atlanta, USA, shows that after the 10th day, one person no longer infects others.

Even if it gives a positive PCR test, it is an RNA fragment from the virus. But as few other countries in Europe have introduced a 10-day quarantine, we left 14, but without a mandatory PCR test.

– November will be the critical month, does BNA mathematician Professor Vitanov predict that November will determine the pandemic throughout the winter?

“I said that two months ago.” Professor Vitanov is a deep man and can be trusted. Go to our site, see the distribution. Two areas are in red, there will be more.

“Plus?” How much?

– I don’t know, but with 500-600 new infected every day!

– Red, green, does it not matter if there are no doctors, as happened in Shumen, Burgas, Blagoevgrad?

– There are no doctors, but some still do not respect them. Come on, do not respect, but masks. Do you know in Silistra what is the percentage of positive tests yesterday – 50!

“Finally, when will this miracle end?”

– If we don’t finish it at the beginning of autumn 2021, the end will go in 2022. Until then, keep the elderly, chronically ill, people with immunodeficiency.

There is no reason to panic, I repeat, just wear masks, wash your hands, keep your distance. And don’t listen to the mosquitoes and the grates. If someone is arguing, let him argue with the head of WHO.

Yesterday, he said it was not moral for people to ask for herd immunity. Not us from Headquarters!
