Mangarov fornicates again: after sex and testing, now about the masks and the red thread.


Due to the frequent inspections and sanctions imposed for not wearing masks in our country, the opinion was issued by the infectious disease expert Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Mangarov. Is it helpful to wear this protective gear, how does it stop or bypass the virus, interfere with our breathing, and how does the infection move in the upper respiratory tract? He answered these and other questions.

Isn’t it strange that at the end of March this year the World Health Organization (WHO) and several other prestigious medical organizations, centers and institutes in the rank of “Robert Koch” claimed that there was no practical medical benefit to wearing masks? Except, of course, for those who are sick or who care for the infected.

For everyone else, the use of masks is questionable. Since April, however, the pancake has changed and everyone has started singing about how “cool and useful” masks are. In our country, wearing them was even enshrined in the law, “Mangarov said.

BLITZ recalls that a few days ago it became clear that have been in contact with people infected with K-19 but will not be tested as a woman who had sex.

“Using masks is not effective because the fabric they are made of is too big and cannot stop the micro-aerosol particles.

A complete nonsense is the claim that the fabric of the masks can stop the free movement of these microparticles. Also, the masks are not hermetically sealed and the particles we are talking about pass freely through the sides.

In speech itself, the layers of the upper respiratory tract break down into very small particles.

The clearest analogy I can make is that someone in the room smokes and you wear a mask and you think you are not inhaling cigarette smoke. The difference is that the smoke is visible and the micro-aerosol particles are not visible.

The gas we inhale follows the path of least resistance and enters through the unsealed areas between the mask and our skin.

If masks were a universal remedy, why vaccines against measles, chicken pox, etc.? If someone does not believe, enter a healthy person into infected only with a mask to see what the result will be.

It’s just that the masks contain the largest particles of saliva that we secrete that are visible. But the microaerosol particles, which saturate the air in a crowded room, cannot be stopped or limited.

Masks create a deceptive sense of security that doesn’t really exist. They complicate our breathing because they make it difficult to resist the air current. That is why both children and adults do not tolerate them and constantly eliminate them. Masks also increase the dead volume of air in our respiratory organs.

There is also a study showing that wearing homemade masks is three times more harmful than not wearing any. Masks should also be changed every two hours. Wearing a mask all day is equivalent to not changing your underwear for two weeks (sorry for the comparison, but the truth is).

When you breathe out air, it condenses on the mask and all the microbial flora of the nasopharynx gets into the mask, then it is sprinkled and the person inhales again and reaches the respiratory organs.

There are no standards for making masks, they are made completely random. This is frivolous and imaginary, because several thugs were dedicated to making them with stockings and all kinds of fabrics. Therefore, I believe that the implementation of this obligation is not a concern to protect ourselves, but to impose will and profit.

It is like tying a red string to your hand against the lessons and believing that it protects you from the virus. In Sweden, for example, they have never forced to wear masks. But in our country, whoever thinks that such a cloth will protect him from infection, can put two, one on top of the other for safety, “Mangarov was quoted as saying by
