Coronavirus in Bulgaria: record number of infected, hospitalized and cured (chronology) – Bulgaria


17 infected in the set “Pirin”

17 of 35 analyzed by the Pirin Ensemble have positive results for the coronavirus, announced the mayor of the municipality of Blagoevgrad, Rumen Tomov, cited by FOCUS Radio – Pirin. The mayor said that yesterday 30 other people were tested, pending the results of their examination. The mayor of Blagoevgrad, Eng. Rumen Tomov, added that the Municipal Crisis Headquarters will be convened tomorrow and the objective is to identify additional measures to face COVID-19. He added that at the moment there are no plans to close nightclubs, bars, restaurants and cafes. The Municipality will propose to limit mass gatherings such as weddings, birthdays.

BNB: economic recession will be 5.5%

The expected decline of the Bulgarian economy due to the coronavirus is no longer 8.5, but 5.5%, but the recovery will be longer and smoother, BNB Deputy Governor Kalin Hristov said in an interview with BNT last night. “Virtually all countries have changed and revised their forecasts and reduced the decline of their economies at the expense of recovery; we are expected to return to pre-pandemic GDP only in mid-2022, ”he explained.

The managers of the large food distribution chains in Sofia met with Deputy Mayor Doncho Barbalov and an expert from the Sofia Health Inspectorate. He discussed compliance with all measures against the spread of Covid-19, BNR reported. We warn that teams from the Health Inspectorate, the police and the Municipality of Sofia are strengthening control over compliance with the orders of the Ministry of Health both with regard to natural and legal persons. In many places the inspectors establish non-compliance with the measures of distance, disinfection and use of personal protective equipment. , even at points of sale. No concessions will be made with violators, “explained Doncho Barbalov.

The newly registered unemployed number more than 300 thousand.

The newly registered unemployed exceeded 300,000 people, according to the latest data from the specialized weekly monitoring of the labor market due to Covid-19 from the National Institute of Statistics and the Employment Agency, BNR reported. The data correspond to the period between February 3 and the present. At the same time, just over 193,000 people came to work through the employment offices.

Analysis of the specialized labor market survey shows that since August 17, the newly registered unemployed across the country have a significant advantage over the employed, and this is especially clear in the last week of monitoring from October 5 to 11 , when 9,900 people are registered in work offices and only 6,500 have earned a living Social experts explain the upward trend in unemployment in recent weeks, especially in maritime areas, with the depletion of the positive effect of seasonal summer employment , especially in the hotel industry. and catering.

Spread of the virus by areas

Extra beds in two hospitals in Sofia

At present, it is not necessary to form entire hospitals as such for the treatment of coronavirus patients, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said. In Sofia, where there are more cases, the number of beds in Alexandrovska Hospital and Pirogov Hospital will increase by 20. According to Angelov, there is no option for a private hospital to refuse to help in the treatment of these patients, if necessary.

New measures are not yet discussed

We are not discussing new measures, we are focusing on compliance with current measures, said Health Minister Kostadin Angelov. “If people do not believe in the measures now and do not comply with them, does it make sense that the new ones are also not followed,” he added. Angelov pointed out that people from the Regional Health Inspectorate will also work at night. According to him, they will not succumb to attacks.

“The measures will be observed by all equally. They apply to all Bulgarian citizens and institutions. Where this does not happen, RHI will carry out inspections, give recipes and, if not implemented, the closure will follow,” Angelov emphasized.

In the future, we will build on regional measures, stressed Associate State Health Inspection Chief Prof. Angel Kunchev. He added that they have already been taken in the Targovishte district, and he hopes that similar ones will take place in the Blagoevgrad region.

More on the subject here

The chosen model in education was successful

172 children and students have tested positive for coronavirus and 165 teachers to date, Education Minister Krassimir Valchev said today at a press conference at the National Operational Headquarters. 0.5% of students and teachers are in quarantine, he added. It is about 4800 people.

According to Valchev, the chosen education model is successful. “If the measures are fulfilled, we have every chance that between 97 and 98% of the school year will happen in person,” predicted the minister. He predicts there will be parent meetings online and did not ask for trips this season.

Coronavirus in Bulgaria: record number of infected, hospitalized and cured (chronology)

© Georgi Kozhukharov

So far there are 16 deceased medical workers

The medical personnel treated so far is 1,030 and the dead 16, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said today. He added that so far 1,440 cases of infected medical personnel have been registered. 394 of them are active. Of these, 327 are in home treatment and 60 in medical institutions, 7 medical employees in intensive care units.

Avoid traveling in the Blagoevgrad and Targovishte districts

Avoid traveling in the Blagoevgrad and Targovishte districts, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said today. There is a morbidity of more than 120 per 100,000 people. For the country it is a total of 74 per 100 thousand and we are in 22nd place among the EU countries according to this indicator, specified the chief state health inspector, Prof. Angel Kunchev. The death rate is 1.56 per 100,000 and we are in eighth place in Europe, he added.

The Minister of Health: we see the hesitation of discipline

“Dealing with the epidemic requires reason, intellect and discipline. We see people who doubt, especially in terms of discipline,” Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said today at a briefing at the National Operational Headquarters. The minister reiterated that control is being increased.

Coronavirus in Bulgaria: record number of infected, hospitalized and cured (chronology)

© Georgi Kozhukharov

“The figures we are seeing show an upward trend in the number of new patients. It is good that the health system still has capacity, but there are difficulties in areas,” said the minister. Currently, 14% of general treatment beds and 9% of intensive care beds are occupied.

Headquarters press conference

Calmer music in restaurants, as a measure against the virus

There is talk of reducing the volume of music in discos so that visitors do not have to approach when they want to say something. This was explained to BNT by the president of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association, Richard Alibegov. He added that currently up to 4 people are allowed at a table in a nightclub. According to him, bars and restaurants are not a breeding ground for contagion and stressed that so far there is not a single establishment closed due to non-compliance with anti-epidemic measures.

Two schools in Targovishte were connected

The two largest schools in Targovishte, the first and second, will receive online training until the end of the week, the city’s mayor, Darin Dimitrov, told BNT. The city’s retirement clubs have been closed since yesterday. The measures are introduced in relation to the limitation of the spread of the coronavirus in the territory of the municipality. In recent days, Targovishte falls for the call. “Red zone”. This means that more than 120 out of 100,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus in the last 14 days.

The National Operational Headquarters will give a press conference

The National Operational Headquarters, which coordinates the fight against the coronavirus, will give its traditional weekly briefing today at 10 in the morning. Health and education ministers Kostadin Angelov and Krassimir Valchev will attend. They will talk about the situation in the schools. The main question is whether there will be any new restrictions, given the record number of new infections that are reported every day.

A record number of infected but also cured

Another record day since the beginning of the pandemic indicators of newly infected, hospitalized and in intensive care units, but also recovered, according to data from the Unified Information Portal. The number of new infected is 819, 34 more than yesterday. They were found in 5898 tests, and 13.89% of those examined were carriers of the virus. The confirmed cases so far are 26,593 and the assets 9,175, the tests carried out are 589,041.

Coronavirus in Bulgaria: record number of infected, hospitalized and cured (chronology)

© Nadezhda Chipeva, Capital

Yet another day, most of the new cases are found in the city districts of Sofia 265, Plovdiv (95) and Blagoevgrad (53).

1,380 people are hospitalized, 67 of them in intensive care units. The number of patients cured per day is 350, and since the beginning of the pandemic there are 16,489, the deaths in 24 hours are 6 and since the beginning of the infection 929.
