The activity of the TEMC commissions happens online. They will issue their expert decisions virtually with the help of the new electronic system for monitoring medical expertise. The system starts tomorrow.
Anyone with an electronic signature will have access. People who don’t have it can empower their loved one. This will facilitate access for people with disabilities. Furthermore, it will be easier for supervisory bodies to monitor abuses.
Requests to appear at the TEMC, receive and appeal decisions can be submitted through the system, BNT reports.
The system address is https://ibd.mh.government.bg/
The expert decisions of the commissions will be generated and stored in the IBD and will be sent to the AHU, NCPHP, NSSI, ASA and the employer, when the latter is necessary, in accordance with current legislation. Through the system, institutions can generate various reports, from which to carry out further analysis.
All instructions for TEMC after 10/15/2020 will be submitted and managed through IBD. Applications or referrals registered before 10/15/2020, as well as the procedures initiated for the assessment of THP / ELV (including those that are in the judicial phase until the promulgation of an act of medical expertise), will continue under the current request through of the current EISME system, until the completion of the medical examination process.