There are no new measures despite the jump of infected in our country (ABSTRACT)


The number of people infected with coronavirus is growing. Our country set a new record by registering 785 new cases per day. 8 people lost the battle against the disease. 1,307 patients are hospitalized with coronavirus, 64 of whom are in intensive care units.

In this context, the government stood firm: there will be no checkpoints and new restrictions. No new measures are planned in schools and children are expected to stay in class as long as possible.

Angelov: We are buying 2,500 bottles of Remdesivir, we will not close the cities (VIDEO)

In addition to the staggering figures for the number of new infections, the percentage of positive samples in the context of testing remains alarmingly high. By the last day they are again around 13 and a half percent. Due to all this, the most relevant question remains whether there will be a new quarantine, local or national. The government’s response was immediate, no, but the existing measures had to be respected.

On the day Bulgaria recorded the shocking almost 800 infected, the government was categorical: “It does not occur to them that anything different should be done to the current measures at this time. No checkpoints, no restrictions. What we have adopted in this timing as protective measures is sufficient, “Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said.

The current measures are sufficient, but if they are met, says Health Minister Kostadin Angelov. That is why control is being strengthened. “We need to get used to living with this virus and follow the prescribed measures, because they give and will give the greatest effectiveness,” he said.

Allocate BGN 5 million for the purchase of Remdesivir

There are 8,415 hospital beds for patients with COVID-19 in the country, of which 7,307 for patients without complications and 1,108 beds for patients in need of intensive care. There are 1,307 people admitted to a hospital with a confirmed coronavirus infection. From this point of view, there is no problem with beds nationwide. Yet hospitals in several areas are already short of breath and on the brink of exhaustion. “These are currently two districts: one is the Burgas district and the other is the Blagoevgrad district,” Minister Angelov said.

The first hospital in the capital city has only 10 beds for coronavirus patients. Eight of them are already taken. “If the number of patients increases, we will increase the number of beds as needed,” said Prof. Dr. Tsvetomir Dimitrov, director of the First Sofia Hospital “Saint John the Baptist”.

He believes that the current number of infected is worrying and it is necessary to introduce new measures. “We need to limit the gatherings inside, wear masks inside in all places. It is obvious that the measures are not being followed,” he said.

Kunchev: We will adjust the measurements as late and smoothly as possible

Former Health Minister Miroslav Nenkov, who was already infected with the coronavirus, outlined three possible scenarios.

“I deeply believe that each of us has a choice. There are three choices. The first – as in Sweden – wears a mask and there are no problems, the second is the short one, which they are afraid of and the third is this, we can close restaurants after 10 at night, but they will go to games ”, he commented.

As for the schools, so far everything remains the same. “We all hope that the situation does not get worse, but our goal is definitely maximum attendance by the end of the year. We expect the greatest difficulty during the flu virus season or flu virus weeks,” said the Minister of Education, Krassimir Valchev.

Currently, 99.7 percent of the education system operates in person.

Health authorities have been discussing the escalation of the situation during the day. Tomorrow morning it is expected that it will be clear what conclusions have been drawn in the weekly briefing, for example, on what sickness values ​​of students and teachers can proceed to distance education for the whole country. It has already become clear that if the pressure on the health system increases, more than 8,000 beds could be opened.

But where are the largest outbreaks in the country? Of these 785 positive samples during the last 24 hours, 259 are in Sofia. Plovdiv follows with 87 and Blagoevgrad with 82 new cases.

Headquarters predicts that new measures can only be considered when we permanently exceed the limit of 1,500 infected per week. For the period between September 28 and October 4, the new cases were 1,521. From October 5 to 12, it’s now 2,884 per week. Now, in just two days, Monday and Tuesday, we registered 1,372 cases.

Significant increase in the number of new infected with COVID-19

Doctors are sent to Shumen Hospital due to lack of doctors. The decision was made by the crisis staff. There are 7 doctors, 10 nurses and 8 paramedics in the hospital with coronavirus. “Hospitals are in great need of medical personnel and for those who are admitted to the hospital, although they are provided with beds and equipment, it turns out that there is no one to take care of them,” said Shumen Regional Governor Stefan Zhelev.

“At the moment we are the most difficult in terms of resuscitators. This is the main specialty that it covers in addition to patients who are in intensive care – 16.2 patients with COVID-19, who are also in an isolation room for resuscitation. There are 9 rescuers in the hospital. At the moment, two are already out of service, as they are positive. Also, there is a third rescuer who has symptoms and today we are going to take a sample, “said Dimitar Kostov, CEO of MHAT Shumen.

One of the areas under the greatest pressure is Burgas. There is already a severe shortage of free beds for those infected with COVID-19. Doctors and medical staff are “suffocating” by the influx of infected people, seeking options to adapt to the new rooms.

The Department of Infectious Diseases at Burgas University Hospital is one of the first in the country to treat COVID-19 patients. Currently, all 16 beds are occupied and the staff is tired and at the limit of their strength. Doctors say they are not ruling out the possibility that some of the nurses will leave.

The first COVID-19 patient in the infectious ward of the Burgas hospital was admitted on March 12. Since then, medical teams have not stopped treating those infected. “Nurses, doctors and nurses – everyone is extremely tired and we can already see how simply no one has the strength to work and care for seriously ill patients, because the main patients who come to us are seriously ill,” said e- Rostislava Krasteva – Deputy Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the University Hospital of Burgas.

“Apart from the 16 COVID-19 carrier patients, they treat at least 20 other patients, and perhaps more with other infectious diseases, primarily hepatitis,” said Dr. Svetlozar Georgiev, deputy director of the University Hospital. Burgas.

Kunchev: We can survive for a long time with 500 infected people a day

There are 5 doctors in the room, two of whom are specialists, and the nurses – 6. Many more nurses came to help, sent from another hospital, but they were not enough. This is why some of the staff thought about leaving. “Unfortunately, there is such a danger. Most of the colleagues are already on edge and don’t want to work,” says Dr. Rostislava Krasteva.

“If they leave, I just don’t care what we do,” added Dr. Svetlozar Georgiev.

Therefore, they have the maximum number of medical institutions to start working with patients of this type. In the Burgas region, according to the Regional Health Inspection, there are eight hospitals with admission wards infected with COVID-19.

“At the beginning of this week we had a stock of beds of 106 beds. Until yesterday we had 146 beds and we had other free ones, most in Karnobat, where we also opened 20 beds. The Therapeutic Department was transformed there by my order,” said Dr. Georgi Pazderov – Director of RHI-Burgas.


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