Adjunct Professor Angel Kunchev: From now on, measures should be local and targeted


There will be no measures such as the blockade of cities and towns due to the increase in the incidence of COVID-19. From now on, the measures must be local and specific. This was announced in the “Face to Face” program by Associate Prof. Angel Kunchev from the National Operational Headquarters.

“Today I am preparing an instruction, not for the directors of RHI, but for the district governors, in their capacity as chairmen of the local staff. From now on, the measures must be first local and then directed: we intervene where there is a problem , because even now the morbidity between the different regions is enormous, many times.The most affected are Blagoevgrad, Smolyan, the least: Lovech, Vratsa, Veliko Tarnovo and Haskovo, and the differences between them are enormous.

When it was necessary, there was an explosion, let’s say in a social house or company, or in some family home, large, familiar; We intervene there, if necessary we quarantine it there, but this is decided locally by the local headquarters. Of course, if you need help, advice, we will provide it, and directed it, when necessary.

Our most difficult places are nursing homes, where I fear the virus will not enter the most, he added.

Obviously, we will live with this pandemic, probably maybe another year, until the vaccine arrives, proves effective, most people are immunized and it stops the spread, added Associate Professor Kunchev.

“There is a very good table from the European Centers for Disease Control and it gives the trends – compare last week to last week and things are going wrong in Europe, the increase is everywhere.

There are two centers at the time of the most severe and highest increase – these are on the one hand in the West – Spain, France, Belgium, to some extent Great Britain and Ireland and in the East – Ukraine, Czech Republic – with very high morbidity in the last days. many times larger than ours, Slovakia and Poland, added Associate Professor Kunchev.

“The rest of the countries are somewhere in the middle, and in Bulgaria the growth is quite strong, the difference between the two weeks is more than 95%.”

Of all Europe, only two countries have a slight decrease: Denmark and Estonia, with a minimum of 2-3%, said Associate Professor Kunchev.

According to him, we are obviously at the beginning of the expected autumn-winter wave of increasing morbidity:

“We continue with the objective of keeping the infection under control so that it does not overload the health system.” She is overwhelmed, the goal is not to leave a person who does not receive the necessary medical attention ”.

There is enough of everything in Bulgaria, but the big problem in Bulgarian medicine is staffing – doctors and nurses are in short supply in many places, the state’s chief health inspector said.

“Especially in the large district university hospitals, this lack is less felt, but even there there are problems. However, with this scheme, which we have made, at three levels, of the gradual inclusion of new hospitals, new wards, we have our disposition 8000 beds, of which 1200 are occupied, but precisely those that work more intensively, with more Much experience, infectious, specialized pulmonary. From now on we can add beds, but they will be of other types of compartments, which we will have to support with staff, what we do.

At this stage, even with two to three times more morbidity, the system will cope and take care of the sick.

However, if this continues for a long time and the figures are, say, in Montenegro, where the incidence is 11 times higher than ours, not the percentage, then things will get more complicated, “he added.

Together with the spread of COVID-19 in schoolsAssociate Professor Kunchev stated that the protocol, which was created by experts from the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health, is very complete and very precise.

It has 30 pages and describes specifically in each situation how to act. It is available to all principals, all schools, on the basis of which they make their own plans. But life is very colorful, we cannot describe absolutely every situation. ()

We have a perfect mathematical model for influenza, we have used it for 30 years, in which we know every week for each area – reaching 260, for example, 10,000 incidence – we declare a pre-epidemic situation, in 300 – we declare an epidemic.

We have been working with this virus for 8 months. We have no values ​​to trust, nor will it be correct. There can be no automatism, there is an assessment of the current situation and the adoption of appropriate measures, “explained Associate Professor Kunchev.

The state’s chief health inspector said contact persons are under surveillance and not all should be quarantined or screened.

“A PCR test the day after contact will provide almost no information.
The virus must develop for at least 4-5 days, multiply, be in the nasopharynx so that we can contract and test it. That is why these delays sometimes irritate people and they say: nobody says anything, nobody reacts. We respond, but we simply let people work on site, as is the rule, so they can be as effective as possible.

If one wants to be sure, It is best to take the exam after the 4th to 5th day.explained associate professor Kunchev.
