The baby, transported to Paris, stops breathing while sleeping – Diseases


The baby, who was airlifted on a Spartan military plane for treatment in Paris, was born with a rare genetic disease. The girl suffers from congenital hypoventilation syndrome – breathing difficulties, as a result of which, during sleep, the child stops breathing completely, announced the General University Hospital “Hogar de la Madre”.

The case was examined by a commission of experts from the medical institution. He recommended that the child be referred to the French Robert Debre Hospital and consulted at its specialized Institute for Respiratory Control.

Spartan successfully transported a three-month-old baby for treatment at a French hospital

In Paris, parents will receive training on how to meet the specific needs of the baby and use non-invasive breathing techniques. A hospital team has organized the medical provision of the flight, according to the medical institution.

The child was in an incubator with equipment for continuous respiratory ventilation. Dr. Aneta Popivanova and midwife Kamelia Spasova from the Intensive Care Unit of the Neonatology Clinic were inseparable from the baby during the trip to France, and the entire operation to provide the care and medical equipment necessary for transportation was in charge of the Prof. Dr. Sunny Boryana.

The director of the hospital is Professor Ivan Kostov.Ivan Kostov

In 1967 he graduated from 18th Cyril and Methodius High School (William Gladstone High School) – hopes that the complex medical operation between the Home of the Mother and the Ministries of Health, Defense and Foreign Affairs will be completed successfully in a month, when the girl must return to Bulgaria.

The specific transport action is the first of its kind in a pandemic and the hospital appreciates the cooperation they receive from all institutions.
