Fragile psyche + love ache made 19-year-old Ivailo rest his barrel on his head


The Plovdiv Sports School is in mourning for Ivaylo.

Teachers and classmates are going through difficult times with the tragedy of 19-year-old Ivaylo, who committed suicide at a shooting range in the Kyuchuk Paris district of Plovdiv. The entire Plovdiv sports school, from which he graduated, mourns inconsolably for the young man who chose the fatal path to solve his problems. As reported “24 hours”, the young man shot himself yesterday.

According to researchers, he had a fragile psyche and a vulnerable soul, although he was a fighter. The breakup with his girlfriend led him to suicide, which shocked those present at the shooting range. He fired five rounds at targets and aimed the sixth at his head.
The young man recently left his parents’ home and lived with his beloved. The day before the fatal shooting, the two got into a fight. Ivailo got along perfectly with his parents.
He graduated from the Sports School last year, but was unable to become a student and started working.
“He was among our best students,” his former teachers said. His classmates describe him as a cheerful and positive boy.
