They discovered how to make a disposable mask reusable


French scientists propose a method to “prolong the life” of the security device

French scientists have found a way to extend the life of disposable surgical masks, widely used to prevent the new coronavirus. The decision: to be placed in a paper bag for a week, according to the French newspaper L’Express.

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“We analyzed the available scientific literature and concluded that we could recommend that people put the masks in paper bags for a week before reusing them,” said Virginie Curtier-Orgoso, principal investigator at the National Research Center (CNRS). , before the French edition, cited by FOCUS news agency. He is a member of the Adios Corona community, which aims to promote research related to COVID-19.

According to Curtier-Orgoso, the “envelope technique” in most cases is sufficient to “destroy all possible traces of coronavirus from an already used mask.” Although the health authorities do not recommend the reuse of surgical masks, this method allows you to take care of your health, reduce economic costs and most importantly – according to the publication – cause less damage to the environment.

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As Curtier-Orgoso explains, surgical masks are made of plastic nanofibers, so they take several hundred years to break down. In all the countries of the world they are already everywhere: in ballot boxes, on the streets, in gardens, rivers, oceans. Disposable masks are dangerous for animals and, in the form of microplastics, pollute the air, water and poison people. Researchers have estimated that if every French person wears a face mask a day, there will be 100,000 tons of non-recyclable plastic waste by the end of the year. Additionally, oil is needed to produce the polypropylene from which the masks are made. Therefore, the reuse of the surgery will mean significant savings: a family of 2-3 people will need only one box of 50 masks per year.


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