Dr. Nikolova: 40% of doctors who died with COVID-19 in Bulgaria are jeeps


Gergana Nikolova

If the referral for PCR is electronic, patients with symptoms will not go to the offices, says Dr. Nikolova

The referral to a PCR test is important to be electronic because it will accelerate the patient’s path, he will be stopped and will not continue walking in society.

This was stated by the general practitioner and member of the Board of the Medical Union Dr. Gergana Nikolova.

“We do not want to refer only to the PCR test, but patients who have any symptoms should be examined before entering the health system and infecting people in office waiting rooms,” he said on Nova TV.

Nikolova again drew attention to the fact that GPs are not defined as first-line doctors, and 40% of the 10 doctors who died from COVID-19 are, she added.

“The situation is such that the salvation of the drowned is left in the hands of the drowned themselves. We are looking for our own deputies. The paradox is that there are colleagues who are from the COVID department and are still looking for their own deputies.

The administrative burden is very high and the aid does not come from anywhere. Since March we have received only 2 masks per person. We have to provide everything and buy it ourselves, “said Nikolova.

He also gave an example of the risk that GPs are exposed to, with cases where patients come to them with various complaints, but it turns out that at the time of their visit they were infected without any symptoms.

Nikolova explained that it is not necessary for GPs to have the new combined tests for influenza and coronavirus in their offices, because their main job is to do preventive exams of people with chronic diseases and to examine children for whom they have created green corridors, so no mixing of flows.
