Tight jeans exacerbate gastritis, high heels deform bones


When clothing is dangerous to health

Incorrectly chosen clothing and accessories pose a serious health threat, doctors warn, cited by RIA Novosti.

In some diseases, tight clothing not only causes discomfort, but is also contraindicated, says Russian gastroenterologist Nuria Dianova. High-waisted jeans, for example, emphasize the figure, but they are not for people with gastrointestinal diseases. In acute gastritis, such a change can cause pain, says the specialist.

“Gastritis affects the waist area, and high-waisted pants put pressure on the body around the navel. If you move, the pressure is not as strong, but once you sit down, it increases, the intra-abdominal pressure increases and consequently


violence in


If you have a gastric crisis at this time, the spasms will get worse.

Tall jeans are also not recommended for reflux – the return of stomach acid into the esophagus. In such patients, the pressure of clothing increases the flow of acids. Painful reactions can be caused by any tight clothing, including a fastened belt, Dianova adds.

In case of gastric erosions, ulcers and reflux disease, it is recommended to avoid tight clothing. Corsets, stretch pants, jumpsuits, tight dresses, and, for men, tight and shaping underwear take up space for stomach movement. Sitting on them is torture. And in gastrointestinal problems it is frankly harmful. This affects not only illness and self-esteem, but also appearance. “When they feel bad, these patients should wear loose and comfortable clothing and not tighten the abdomen,” explains the doctor.

Heavily cut jeans pinch the nerves and prevent the blood in the vessels from circulating freely. And a tight belt causes heartburn and abdominal pain. If you feel uncomfortable at rehearsal shopping for clothes, order a larger number, despite the fuss. It is good that the fabric is elastic.

Not only the cut but also the toilet material can be harmful to health. Artificial fabrics such as


acrylic, nylon

to abound

with chemicals

It is not just about cheap clothes, made from scratch, but also branded.

A Greenpeace study found the presence of formaldehyde and phenylenediamines in the production of 14 world-famous fashion brands. These substances can cause many problems, from relatively mild skin irritation to severe allergies and liver and kidney disease. In addition, synthetics prevent the skin from breathing and the moisture released by our skin becomes a fertile environment for the development of bacteria and fungi.

Give preference to natural fabrics. When buying synthetics, pay attention to the label. Don’t be fooled by no-iron, easy-care, or wrinkle-free labels that ensure the garment doesn’t need ironing; chemicals are the most common in these products.

Nice but uncomfortable shoes also cause great damage. The high heels, although they slim the legs, because

drainage and

varicose veins,

Lead to


of the joints

Look at the legs of Victoria Beckham and Amal Clooney, who always wear stilettos – their huge protruding knuckles are visible from afar.

High heels are unstable, you can easily lose your balance, dislocate your ankle, or fall badly.

But flat soles are not recommended. Ballerinas and flip-flops are comfortable at first glance, but they do not support the foot when walking for a long time and quickly load the legs, deform the sole.

Tight shoes also create problems: they form corns, inflammation of the vessels, curvature of the toes. Made of non-breathable synthetic leather vaporize feet and cause yeast infections.

Wrong selected

shoe ankle boots

stand up and

He passed,

It can cause annoying pain in the knees and back.

For a longer wear, choose a comfortable “garment” for the feet, with a not very high heel, up to 5 centimeters. Another solution is orthopedic insoles: they strengthen the foot and reduce pressure on its sensitive areas.

Many women have a habit of filling the bag with everything necessary and unnecessary. But the heavy bag weighs down the shoulder and back, orthopedists warn.

Particularly dangerous

are the bags of

a shoulder

and those that we carry in our hands. They tighten the muscles unevenly and the discomfort gradually turns into pain. Typical consequences are posture and gait deformity, headache, back, neck and shoulder pain, numbness of the hands.

The advice of the experts is that you check your bag and take out everything you do not need before leaving. If you have to carry something heavy, don’t just carry one shoulder, but get a backpack with wide straps and back protection.

I rarely wash warm clothes: coats, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves. If they don’t have stains, we do it once a season. Even less often, men give up their ties to dry cleaning or laundry. But experts remember that these garments are in constant contact with the skin and hair, accumulate sweat and fat cells, accumulate a lot of dirt and microbes from the environment.

To not get up

coat and jacket

dog pound

in bacilli,

wash or dry clean at least twice a season. Knitted hats, scarves and gloves should be cleaned more frequently, once every 2-3 weeks.

The ability to dress is an art on which our success in life depends to some extent. But it’s not just about fashion and style. The wardrobe should not only be stylish, but also useful for health.
