In North Korea, no one has been infected with the global coronavirus


In North Korea, no one has been infected with the coronavirus

© Reuters

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has assured that there is not a single person infected with coronavirus in his country, BTA reported, citing AFP. He wished “good health to all the people in the world suffering” from COVID-19 and expressed his hope to cooperate with South Korea after the end of the pandemic. “I hope the coronavirus crisis is overcome,” Kim was quoted as saying by TASS.

Today a military parade was held in Pyongyang to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Labor Party. North Korea, which has nuclear weapons, will continue to strengthen its military, Kim Jong Un said.

The parade was broadcast live on North Korean state television. The soldiers marched through the streets of central Pyongyang and passed through the main square of the North Korean capital. Parade participants and spectators cheered as Kim Jong Un appeared on the rostrum of the building from which he was giving his speech.

In North Korea, no one has been infected with the coronavirus

© Reuters

“We will continue to strengthen our military for self-defense and nuclear deterrence,” Kim said in a speech. The DPRK has means of deterrence that allow it to counter any threat, he added, noting that North Korea’s military might is not specifically directed against anyone.

Kim has warned that his country will mobilize its entire nuclear arsenal if threatened, the Associated Press reported. However, the North Korean leader refrained from directly criticizing Washington during today’s military parade, which took place less than four weeks before the November 3 US presidential election. He chose to focus on a message for the people of his country, urging North Koreans to show toughness in addressing North Korea’s many challenges, including the coronavirus pandemic and the heavy economic sanctions imposed on Pyongyang for its nuclear program.

The DPRK leader thanked the military for helping the population in a series of devastating storms over the summer and expressed satisfaction with the efforts made to prevent the outbreak of the coronavirus in North Korea, Reuters reported.

In North Korea, no one has been infected with the coronavirus

© Reuters

The military parade was also attended by Kim Jong-un’s sister, Kim Yo-chen, representatives of the North Korean government, and high-ranking military commanders.

Korea’s Central News Agency reported that the Chinese president had sent a letter to Kim stating that Beijing would continue to defend, strengthen and develop its bilateral relations with Pyongyang.

In addition, the parade featured an unprecedented ICBM, larger than any known North Korean missile. It was transported on a special transport machine with at least 22 wheels, Reuters reports.
