How China defeated COVID-19 without any new infected 54 days in a row


China has zero new infections for 54 days in a row. Photo: Pixabay

China, where the COVID-19 pandemic first broke out, has not registered a single coronavirus in the country for 54 days in a row and is keeping the virus under control.

The only new positive samples reported by health authorities were from a total of 21 newcomers this Friday, and no deaths were reported that day.

So far, China, the world’s most populous country with a population of 1.3 billion, has a total of 90,757 infected and 4,739 deaths from the disease. These numbers keep it a long way from the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, although the virus originated in China, reported.

The country, which has imposed severe restrictions that have been further developed with technology, is not affected by the second wave of the pandemic, unlike many other countries.

Following the Jan.23 shutdown in Hubei, the province from which the virus began to spread, the Chinese government has continued to impose strict restrictions in the capital, Beijing, and elsewhere. Masks were made mandatory, the movement of people was restricted, restaurants, schools were closed, etc.

Additionally, unique methods have been introduced to track the spread of the infection, a task in which the use of technology is key, especially through Alibaba and Tencent’s app tracking features. Citizens had to show the color code that these applications registered (green, yellow or red) to have access to public places.

All this has led to a reduction in registered cases over the months, so China has not reported a single positive sample per local since August 15, allowing citizens to return to normal the day before. to the pandemic.

However, several experts warn of the risk that the virus will go on the offensive again with the arrival of the cold, so they demand caution.

“People in China ask me if there will be a second wave of the pandemic in the winter,” Chan Wenhog, director of the infectious diseases department at Huashan Hospital in Shanghai, said in September. we are going through a second wave of infections, ”he said.
