Sofia’s job posting blew up the net: Mother is looking for …


An unconventional ad collected hundreds of reactions and comments for hours in the Working in Sofia group on one of the social networks. A mother of Sofia is looking for a father for a salary for her son, reports “Monitor”.

“We are looking for a mentor for a future teenager! The profile we are looking for is an older youth, a boy between 16-22 years old (approximately). A good boy, a man of honor and dignity, with a sporty character and a patriotic spirit. A young gentleman. cool and confident young man, athlete, non-smoker, to become a mentor to a 12 year old

To motivate you! Talk, practice, and play together after school. To teach you various things. To guide you AS a big brother or personal development mentor. Play the role of big brother, friend, and mentor in their development. To help him adapt to Bulgaria and transmit him masculine and Bulgarian values, “explains Gergana Dragoeva Cuvi.

The mother also explains that the child is not a problem. He speaks Bulgarian, French and English. From this year they also study Spanish. He was born in another country. It was his wish to live in Bulgaria. She is currently studying in a foreign language school and has Bulgarian, geography and history, which makes things a bit difficult for her. Otherwise, he is a good student in all subjects. It is still adapting in Bulgaria.

Below the post there are comments that this is impossible to happen and for example this is the wrong approach because a paid friend cannot be found. Some advise seeking a caregiver, while others support the family’s efforts to help the child.

According to the mother, a good command of Bulgarian and a good education are extremely important. Mastering English or Spanish is an advantage for homework preparation. But they are not a condition.

Candidates will first have a phone conversation, a live interview, parental consent + 2 recommendations from school teachers or a sports coach. The requirements are that the afternoon classes be 2-3 hours. Sometimes on the weekends, not always.
