Kim Jong Un: I wish everyone who fights the virus of evil health


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un STAFF: Youtube / AFP

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wished people suffering from coronavirus to be healthy. His statement came from a military parade on Saturday in which Pyongyang demonstrated its superiority over the pandemic, BGNES reported.

“I wish good health to all the people in the world who are battling malignant virus diseases,” said Kim, whose colleague of US President Donald Trump was recently hospitalized with the virus, in a speech broadcast on state media.

Kim also told the audience that he was thankful that “no one” in North Korea has contracted the coronavirus, which spread around the world after appearing in neighboring China. In January, Pyongyang closed its borders to try to protect itself from the disease and regularly reported that there were no cases, but state media abandoned such explicit statements in recent months and began to emphasize the importance of prevention efforts.

Nuclear-armed North Korea staged a giant military parade in which thousands of masked soldiers participated, despite the threat of a coronavirus. Pyongyang is expected to display its latest and most advanced weapons, as is often the case in those parades. The long-awaited event is part of the 75th anniversary celebrations of the ruling North Korean Workers’ Party.

State television KCTV showed one after another army troops and armored vehicles lined the streets of Pyongyang, ready to parade through Kim Il Sung Square. None of the participants or the crowd lined up in the stands wore masks, but there were far fewer citizens in the square than usual.

North Korea’s military parades generally culminate with whatever missiles Pyongyang wants to highlight, and they are monitored by observers for evidence of their weapons development.
