What is it like to be treated and treated with COVID-19? – Diseases


20 doctors have been infected with coronavirus during the last two days in Plovdiv.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 12981

The cardiology ward of one of the city’s hospitals has been closed. What is it like to work in the COVID compartment from the first day of a pandemic? What is it like to be treated and treated for COVID-19 ?, says Nova TV with its morning block “Hello, Bulgaria”.

Bulgaria with a new anti-registration: 437 infected with COVID-19 in 24 hours

“We are motivated by the need to show our support for society at such a difficult time. We don’t worry, “says Dr. Denis Milkov.

According to him, indoor masks should be 100% mandatory. “It just came to our notice then. For open spaces, the issue is a bit controversial,” he said.

Dr. Taniel Minkov has already had the dangerous disease.

“It started as a common cold, which unfortunately did not respond to normal treatment. They helped me and now I am on the front line to be able to be of use to everyone who comes across the infection,” he said.

He adds that our society faces something unknown to humanity until now.

“Our vocation is to help people.” Despite everything, we have to be at the forefront, “he said.

In his opinion, masks are extremely important. “If you play sports only in the mountains, it doesn’t make much sense to wear a mask. But if you meet a large group of people, even outside, it’s good to protect yourself and reduce your risk.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

More about the coronavirus

