REGISTRATION: 436 new cases of COVID-19 in our country


A record number of new cases of COVID-19 infection in the last 24 hours – 436. This is the highest number that the health authorities of our country have registered since the start of the pandemic.

Sofia is the city with the most positive samples, almost a third. Plovdiv, Burgas and Stara Zagora follow.

The number of hospital admissions is also growing: there are 973. Of them, 57 are in intensive care units.

Yesterday 131 people were cured and died of coronavirus 8. The total number of infected in Bulgaria since the start of the pandemic reached 22,306.

Prof. Vitanov: 1 in 100 people in Bulgaria currently has COVID-19

According to the mathematician of the National Operational Headquarters Prof. Nikolay Vitanov, Bulgaria is on the verge of a second wave. “One in 100 people in our country is currently infected with COVID-19. When we walk down the street, we certainly meet 100 people. My advice is: be careful,” he said.

“The health system should be ready for 30,000 infected by the end of October. However, this is a slightly high figure and, in my opinion, we will not go that far,” added Professor Vitanov.

You decide what will be next month. The most pessimistic estimates are for 30 thousand proven cases.

November will be critical. We will have to endure to get through the winter relatively well. If we lose the situation there, December, January, February will come and it will be unpleasant. However, if we manage to survive, there is hope of going through the winter without so many cases, “said the mathematician.

According to him, the health system of our country can support up to 500 infected people a day for 2-3 weeks. The number of hospitalized has not stopped growing in the last week. To date, there are almost 1,000.

Despite the guarantees of the health authorities that the measures will not be hardened for now, the mathematician spoke of changes during the second semester. “The first period will be present, for the second period we will see,” he added.

Meanwhile, it has become clear that GPs will now issue a referral for a PCR test. This will be done according to strict criteria, which have not yet been worked out.

“We will act soon, we, the medical union, will work on the criteria, but no one should expect us to issue them from tomorrow. Like everything at the box office, there is a limit, I suppose there will be, but the negotiation process is yet to come.” Gergana Nikolova explained.

Despite the guarantees of the health authorities that the measures will not be hardened for now, the mathematician spoke of changes during the second semester.

Kunchev: With the increase in those infected by COVID-19, there may be new measures

We already have the fact that the first school that completely switched to distance learning. For the next two weeks, all classes at St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School in Skutare village in Plovdiv will study online.

Currently, six of the school’s teaching staff are infected with COVID-19, we are waiting for more results. The problem is the shortage of teachers. That’s why the whole school switched to online learning. Out of 108 children, 44 are in quarantine, “said Plovdiv Regional Governor Dani Kanazireva.

In two days in Plovdiv there are 80 new cases of coronavirus. 11 are positive samples from medical personnel.


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