The second wave has arrived, but the cities will not close (Obzor)


Establishment restriction and greater control among additional measure options: suppressors are company or home parties, not schools, rallies, and public transportation

November will be critical, the health system can last up to 3 weeks with 500 new ones with COVID per day

There are beds, there are not enough doctors, there are already 1237 infected among them

A record number of people infected since the beginning of the epidemic in Bulgaria was reported on Wednesday. 436 of them were 330, the highest number ever recorded per day. However, not only their number was high, but also the percentage of positives compared to those evaluated: a little more than 8 percent of those evaluated 5431.

During the summer, most of the tests were carried out on healthy people who wanted to go to sea in Greece, so the percentage of infected was low. People with symptoms or contact are now being examined, doctors explained the likely reason for the record growth on October 7.

However, the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic is already here, experts do not deny it.

“In this point

You do not have to


of the measurements, we continue to monitor all indicators daily, weekly and every 14 days. At the moment we are not concerned about the spread of COVID-19 and the preparation of the health system, “said the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, in a meeting with the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov. (for his decisions – see below).

“The wave we have seen so far, which has dramatically increased the incidence in Spain, France, the Netherlands, southern Germany and the United Kingdom, is already impacting the Balkans. Even with this record, however, we maintain the place we had until now, which means that

the increase is

everywhere, ”Associate Professor Kunchev told Dnevnik.

The fact that the sudden jump of the infected is for a day does not cause serious concern at the moment and does not require serious measures. Decisions are made weekly, he said.

The closure of cities is not planned. Among the possible most serious measures are the restriction of establishments and the tightening of control over compliance with the previous measures, the health inspector said.

The reason is that the highest number of infected so far

they have been infected

exactly in


In restaurants

or family


“We have made an analysis of where most of the numbers come from, the so-called superpreaders are events that are organized in closed circles. There are no schools, no demonstrations, and no transport trips. Sometimes they are gatherings at home, others are organized by companies, and in a school a celebration was organized on the occasion of September 15. When people gather at a table, the contact is close, they shout, sing, hug, and then the spread increases. Once we had 16 infected by such a collection, in another –

20 infected

For one night”,

Kunchev explained.

There is no point in squeezing seriously. If you don’t realize you have to be careful, no controls can help, he stressed. And he gave an example with the inspections on public transport in Sofia last week: for 2 days, 400 acts were imposed with a fine of 300 BGN on people without masks. However, subway violators are still around 40%.

25,000 to reach those infected by the end of October is the optimistic forecast

worst –

spend 30,000, summed up staff mathematician Prof. Nikolay Vitanov in front of Nova TV. The health system will manage, he said.

However, November is expected to be critical. “We have to hang out there to get through the winter well,” he said, adding that boxes should not exceed 500 a day for a longer period.

“The health system can last 2 to 3 weeks with 500 infected people a day,” said the professor. There are enough beds for hospital admission for both mild and severe cases, but there are not enough doctors. There are already 1237 infected among them, only during the last 24 hours the new cases are 35.

One for all

We have 100 people

at this moment is

with COVID-19

“When we walk down the street and we meet 100 people, one of them is a current carrier of the virus. My advice is:” Be careful! “Professor Vitanov said.

“100 people are infecting 124 people, which means that the pandemic is growing. The people who have found the virus in Bulgaria are around 2.5% and it goes to 3%, which is a low value. Mortality in our country is still below the world average. Multiply deaths by 200 and you still get how many people have encountered the virus, “explained the mathematician.

Only 98 children have tested positive since Sept. 15 and there are 138 teachers, Education Minister Krassimir Valchev said.

Only 0.3% of


the system is


Let’s hope that the general situation does not get worse, because this in schools is the function of the general, the minister also commented.

Entire schools will be closed if the thresholds set by the Ministry of Health are exceeded. There will be a complete shutdown in 20% of children with COVID-like symptoms, Valchev added. According to him, a school is much more likely to be closed due to the flu. The goal of all was the maximum face-to-face training.

Doctors, the directors of the Sofia hospitals, the heads of the SRHI and the Health Insurance Fund discussed future measures in a meeting with the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, on Wednesday.

Address for the PCR test now from the jeep

GPs should also be able to refer patients with suspected coronavirus symptoms for PCR testing. To do this, they may issue references to direct them to a laboratory.

This was decided in a meeting with the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov on Wednesday by the representatives of the Medical Union, Sofia hospital directors, the heads of RHI and NHIF and representatives of the National Operational Headquarters in the person of the Chief of Inspection of State Health, Prof. Angel Kunchev and Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev.

However, referrals will be issued under strict criteria, which the general practitioner association will prepare within a day or two. They will be approved and prepared as instructions by the Bulgarian Medical Union, the Health Insurance Fund and the Ministry of Health, and a new annex to the National Framework Agreement will be signed so that the activity can be implemented.

In parallel, the association will prepare an algorithm for the path of the patient to the GP during the autumn-winter season. The document will be approved and distributed to all interested parties after its coordination with the Ministry of Health.

Until the signing of the annex to the National Framework Agreement, referrals for CRP tests in prehospital care will continue to be issued by specialists in infectious diseases, pulmonology, pediatrics and ENT diseases. However, the number of instructions they will be able to provide will increase, it became clear after the meeting.
