Sasho de Kuklen is studying to be a doctor, he wants to be like Chirkov


Sasho Emilov wants to be a heart surgeon. PHOTO: Personal file

He set other children on fire to educate themselves, the town is proud of him

With “doctor” they address Sasho Emilov in Kuklen, although he is not yet a doctor. The 23-year-old is a fourth-year student at Plovdiv Medical University and dreams of one day being a famous cardiac surgeon like Professor Alexander Chirkov.

“Heart disease causes the highest mortality. That is why I want to specialize in this field after I graduate.

There is nothing better

to save

human life”,

Sasho explains.

His relatives say that as a child he wanted to be a doctor. They gave him some headphones for children and it became his favorite toy. He became even more excited when they began studying biology and chemistry in elementary school. Subsequently, he chose a class with a profile of natural sciences and mathematics in a Plovdiv secondary school to gain a better knowledge in the two subjects with which he applied for medicine.

“His family does not have great economic opportunities. The mother works as a hygienist at the bus station and the father works in construction. However, they supported their son all the time. They said they would eat bread and salt, but they would study it”, Emilovi’s neighbors commented.

In Kuklen they admire the perseverance with which the young vigilante pursues his goal.

The NGOs helped him by taking private lessons in biology. Free chemistry classes at the Plovdiv municipal children’s complex were sufficient for training in chemistry.

Sasho applied to the medical universities in Plovdiv and Pleven and was accepted to both. He chose the first one because it is closer to his home.

“It’s interesting in college. I do my best to absorb the material. I read constantly.

A doctor can’t

afford to have

knowledge gaps,

because he is responsible for other people, “says Emilov.

He admits that Kuklen residents from the Roma community often seek him out when they have health problems. He listened to them, examined them, but referred them to the jeep or to a specialist.

“I can listen to my lungs and my heart and find a finding, but I never allow myself to prescribe medication because I haven’t graduated yet and I have no right to receive treatment,” Sasho said.

Despite his workload in college, he finds time to go to the Indy Roma Foundation, which is one of the organizations that helps him with college fees. Emilov meets with the children and their parents and talks to them about the harms of early marriage.

“I try to convince them that the most important thing is to train to integrate and be useful for themselves and others,” said the future doctor.

Indie Roma president Albena Kostadinova, who is also a city councilor in Kuklen, says Sasho is an example of how a child from a humble family can make his dream come true with hard work and enthusiasm.

“Set fire to others

children to learn

The little ones look at him with admiration and want to be like him. It is a source of pride for all Kuklen ”, commented Kostadinova.

Few people in the village know that the young man also writes poems. He intends to publish a book soon. According to him, nothing is impossible when one wants something.

After a few years, Sasho sees himself as a successful cardiologist in Bulgaria. He claims that his career abroad has never seduced him because he is so attached to his family and home.
