The party’s favorite son –


Krum Zarkov, 37, the first to vote in a BSP congress, has the rare qualities of a politician to listen, apologize and not hate anyone. And he is a very good lawyer

The new party favorite, named by many Krum Zarkov, 37, who surprisingly “jumped” into a spot that was reserved for years for BSP icon Stefan Danailov.

This happened at the 50th anniversary social congress, in which the new composition of the BSP National Council was elected. Zarkov ranked first in the delegates’ preferences. And with 487 votes he turned out to be the only statutory elected in full, the rest entered the so-called vysheglasie.

In fact, it is

exaggerated to

it is stated that

Zarkov can

displace Lambo

of the reds


Stefan Danailov has always been the spirit and emotion of all congresses, the conciliator and the understanding of the conflicting parties.

However, his young heir has all the qualities at some point to truly occupy that place of honor. Because it is moderate and dialogical. You don’t just listen, you listen, even if you don’t agree with what you’ve heard. And as a very good lawyer, he is always guided first by his judgment and then by his emotions. Well, maybe it’s this reversal of emotions that distinguishes him from Lambo, who was “on fire” for the red idea.

However, it is obvious that Zarkov likes it. He was ahead in the ranking of delegates and iconic red faces, and deserving comrades like Yanaki Stoilov, Kostadin Paskalev, Rumen Ovcharov, Brigo Asparuhov …

Young Zarkov entered politics with a great start. Only 2 years after joining BSP, he is already a member of the closest leadership: the Executive Bureau. And among the most loyal to the leader Cornelia Ninova.

His match story is interesting. Especially due to the fact that the doors of Positano are opened to him by a man with whom they are today on both sides of the BSP barricade: Atanas Merdjanov, who is now among Ninova’s fiercest critics. Zarkov later worked in the office of another critic of the leader, Georgi Pirinski, while he was an MEP.

So when the new leader personally invited him to be a member of the leadership in 2016, the general public was very surprised. Some interpreted it as Ninova’s outstretched hand to his predecessors, but it turned out not to be the case. Very visionary – he took over from the older generation of leftist lawyers, after some time this flank of the parliamentary group was exposed. And Zarkov’s dialogue has clearly not closed the door for the opposition to receive such strong support from Congress. His colleagues define him as the voice of reason in the BSP.

It is currently the main red legal sword in the National Assembly.

He graduated

right in


He likes it and feels strong in the legal field. And he has an inheritance: his grandfather is a gene. Leonid Katsamunski, former head of the national investigation, has worked as a judge, prosecutor and lawyer. The grandson is studying international law in Paris, but with the clear awareness that one day he will return to Bulgaria. And his Sorbonne dissertation, which examines the weaknesses of the international legal regime for nuclear non-proliferation, won the award in the 2007 annual scientific competition at the French Institute for Advanced Studies in National Defense. He then worked at the Center for Research and Science in Public International Law in France, and at the same time specialized at the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris and at the Academy of International Law in The Hague, Holland.

Today the main legislative initiatives of the left pass through him. He is an incredible workaholic and reads all the laws that go into parliament. And when you don’t agree with one of the policies proposed by your colleagues, you just step aside. You can criticize the actions of the leadership in a small circle, but you have never allowed yourself to say a word publicly against the party or colleagues.

Zarkov is one of the promoters of the BSP’s judicial reform proposals. And his battle for the change in the system is not yesterday and it is not just a party. Even before entering active politics, the lawyer

wrote the play

“The boss”

with the one who laughed



and his main problem is justice. In 2016, she received an incentive award from the satirical comedy contest “Aleko Konstantinov” from the Satirical Theater.

Connoisseurs of Zarkov’s work before politics find some irony in the fact that in another of his works, “Dear Compatriots,” he ridicules the president’s desire to hold referendums on all occasions. According to him, this would be an opportunity for politicians to wash their hands of their decisions with the will of the people.

“Direct democracy is perhaps the most important democratic tool. But like the atomic bomb, it cannot be used under or on the road.” Through democracy, Hitler came to power, “Zarkov now explains as a politician. And He says both plays are more readable than the staging because they are actual political texts, simply written in a different way.

The socialist knows not only the bright side of politics and parliament, but also the hidden side, in which many people work to draft positions and bills. He served as a legal inspector in the Commission for the Constitution of Criminal Assets. He has researched and published on this topic and has participated in the drafting of the new law.

And then he enters parliament. But first as an expert in the internal commission.

Invited by

the then boss

of the commission

by GERB Anastas


today constitutional judge.

Experience as an expert in parliament allows Zarkov to feel at home from the first day of his tenure as a deputy.

Unlike many of his colleagues, he finds the strength to apologize when he makes a mistake. As in the false beginning of his career as a deputy. In 2017, during the election campaign, Zarkov was late to participate in a television study and tried to apologize with a ridiculous joke: “I was late for the show because we were asking some DS police officers how to torture someone’s grandfather.” His comment was actually a sarcastic response to statements made earlier days by Boyko Borissov against the BSP: “Are these the new faces ?! Bloodsuckers and grandchildren, where they threw people to pigs to eat, where they blew up churches, etc. On September 9, when my grandfather arrived from State Security, they took him out and beat him with sticks in the corn in the yard. From there they took him to the Central Jail and announced that he had died from a red wind! “

After the scandal broke, Zarkov apologized. I am not afraid of threats from “Personal”, nor from agencies that were just waiting for an occasion to “reveal” my vile nature, nor from “tolerant and good” Borisov, who will cut off my ears. However, I am concerned that with a single sentence, I accidentally hurt people, awakening painful memories in them. For this, I’m sorry!

The gene is important. Generic memory too. Violence is unacceptable, whether it comes from fascists, communists, or stray dogs. My childhood memories are not limited to kicking a ball and picking up trash from the adjoining garden. Soon enough, I was met with ruthless violence. But I was not a bully. And I can’t accept being called a bloodsucker, torturer and not just because I’m a member of the BSP. ”This is what Zarkov wrote on Facebook.

Since then

Does not love


Don’t even discard them just for getting into the media Talk to reporters only when you really have something to say. Which is not surprising: he is still the son of the famous journalist Anna Zarkova.

“I don’t know if Krum will become a good politician, but I see a quality in him that shows me that he could be. Love people. You remember their stories and want to interact with them to help them. He tells me stories of the people he knows. Then try to help them. In most cases, they fail because you don’t have much power. But remember, you know, you live in human stories, you sympathize with them. And he has to tell them, that more people listen to them. “This is what his mother said some time ago in an interview for” 24 hours “.


Atanas Merdjanov: “Intelligent, determined, modern, but you will earn much more if you refuse to be captivated by the situation.”


Pencho Milkov, Mayor of Ruse: “This is a spiritually and emotionally intelligent person that I have never met before. He gives everything he has, more than 20 hours a day to build a better world that he believes in. An extremely spiritual person who can perform miracles that you don’t think you can. do “.
