Azerbaijan for IMRO Vice President: Medieval Thought on Religious Intolerance – World


Azerbaijan for the position of IMRO vice president: medieval thinking on religious intolerance

© Facebook / nara.baku.9

The position expressed yesterday by IMRO Vice President Iskren Veselinov on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is openly hostile and distorts the historical and legal aspects of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

This is stated in a statement from the Azerbaijani Embassy in Sofia, signed by Ambassador Dr. Nargiz Gurbanova, sent to Dnevnik.

The reason was a comment made yesterday on the Facebook profile of Iskren Veselinov, on the third day of the escalation of violence between the forces of Azerbaijan, Armenia and the unrecognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, which declared its independence in 1991.

Regarding the accusations of the president in the period 2012-2017, Rosen Plevneliev about a provocation against Azerbaijan, Vesselinov wrote that the EU leaders must support the “Christian Armenian people”. “I definitely support the right of Armenians to defend their spiritual borders,” he wrote.

In the context of the current situation, I regret to note that the Vice President of IMRO, Mr. Iskren Veselinov, demonstrated a “position” on what is happening in the region, based on medieval thinking about religious intolerance and not on law. international. “Position” distorts the historical and legal aspects of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. “

Ambassador Gurbanova’s comment, which follows Azerbaijan’s vision of the historical landscape of the crisis, concludes: “I would like to point out that the abuse of people’s religious sentiments by some politicians to achieve short-term national political goals is contrary to the principles of justice and the ideals of humanism, by which a friendly Bulgarian people are always guided. I hope that the biased and unfounded approach of I. Veselinov will be condemned by the Bulgarian society, based on tolerant and progressive values. “


Most of the arguments in the position expressed by the embassy are related to the way modern borders are formed. Dnevnik reprints some of them with abbreviations:

With its decision of July 5, 1921, the Caucasus Office of the Russian Communist Party decided to leave Nagorno-Karabakh in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, definitely without “transferring” it to Azerbaijan, as claimed by the Armenian side. This decision was not made by Stalin himself, but rather, by a collective body, the Caucasus Office, made up of only two Azerbaijanis, some Armenians and representatives of other nationalities (…) The Azerbaijani villages and artificially create a new demographic situation in the region. The status of Nagorno-Karabakh as an autonomous region of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic is established in the Constitutions of the USSR of 1936 and 1977 “.

“The current stage of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict began in late 1987 with attacks against Azerbaijanis in Khankendi (during the Soviet period: Stepanakert) and Armenia, resulting in a large influx of Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced persons. In response to the appeal of 20 February 1988 The Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued decisions on the transfer of Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan to Armenia on June 17 and June 18, 1988, respectively, rejecting the appeal. for illegal “.

Stepanakert is a name that is still used in Armenia by the unrecognized NKR.

Azerbaijan for the position of IMRO vice president: medieval thinking on religious intolerance

© Reuters

Azerbaijan also refers to the international legal doctrine of uti possidetis juris: according to it, the newly created sovereign states must preserve the internal borders that had the lands under their control before independence. The statement said that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this doctrine meant that “the former administrative borders of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, which includes the NKAO, were recognized by international law as legitimate borders of the newly formed independent Republic of Azerbaijan. This was later confirmed in Resolutions 822 (1993), 853 (1993), 874 (1993) and 884 (1993) of the UN Security Council on the conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. and its surroundings “.

This approach is clearly visible in the policies of European countries towards independent states that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the position continues, the full text of which can be found in the attached file.

What Vesselinov says

Veselinov’s words were not expressed as an IMRO position, but he is vice president of a party that is part of the government.

However, he spoke of “the artificial division of the states according to the territorial interests of one or another of the powerful of the moment, and not according to nationality and religion, has historically always led to bloody outcomes.” Vesselinov described the independence declared by Nagorno-Karabakh as “a completely logical act since mainly Armenians, Christians live, artificially pushed towards the borders of a Muslim state, which in the Soviet era seemed insignificant, but not today”.

In historical science, the roots of this dispute are not usually related to religion, but to the boundaries formed by the specific history and ethnic composition of the region.
