There is a risk that Borisov will leave, but Peevski will stay


First of all, thank you for the invitation. I have not had the opportunity to visit them for 4 years. There is a protest in front at this time, my call is to invite a representative of these people to listen to what they have to say. They are people who ask serious questions, they ask them for years. It is also about the accumulated feeling that BNT is not fulfilling its role, this is an expectation for a key institution. “This was stated in BNT’s” Panorama “program by the co-president of the political association” Democratic Bulgaria “- Hristo Ivanov.

“This government is over. No matter what I say. The mandate continues formally. There are enough indications that the government is losing touch with reality. Boyko Borissov does not dare to appear in Sofia, he walks through the construction sites, through the bushes, “Ivanov said.

“It is not about trusting scientists and doctors, it is about having a government that does not trust, a corrupt government. So people want elections so they can replace them with something they can trust more. People have the right to choose, this is a basic value. They will choose. The question is, when people have the right to choose, can we offer them an alternative, ” he said.

“We are all in favor of one thing in this protest and that is that we must restore the possibility of a full election in the republic. From there, everyone has their own agenda. Our agenda is the modernization agenda that must happen. Behind the crisis comes the transformation that the world will go through ”, says the co-president of“ Democratic Bulgaria ”.

He thinks that we have great doctors and the health problem is in management. Ivanov pointed to electronic health as something that must happen.

“Who will pick the pears will be decided by the people. Democratic Bulgaria has doubled its support. What we have to do: to impose the issue of change and modernization, we have to do. Before the pear was shaken, there were issues that were taboo for colleagues. Now they will have to learn the name Peevski. There is a risk that Borissov will leave, like Oresharski, but Peevski will stay, “said the former justice minister.

He said the problem with Dogan’s barn in Rosenets was not so much with the illegal building, but: “The problem was that we saw the fusion between power and prosperity.”

The answer to the question “With whom” will be given at the end of the campaign. We want the mandate to fundamentally change the political system, to modernize Bulgaria ”, Hristo Ivanov replied to a question from the presenter Boyko Vassilev, who asked him with whom” democratic Bulgaria “can be associated.

According to Ivanov, there are currently two complete political formations: “Democratic Bulgaria” and the MRF.

Since the establishment of the “Democratic Bulgaria” union, we have stated that the central problem is the Borisov-Peevski model. We cannot accept any stay from Borissov. He was named Peevski’s co-prime minister, “he added.

“Of course we have a red line with the BSP,” said the co-president of Democratic Bulgaria, then added: “There are issues that we are willing to talk about with everyone, but that does not mean that we are ready to enter a government. ‘ “One such issue, according to Hristo Ivanov, is judicial reform. He said it would be possible to talk to GERB if Borissov was not there and if the party reconsidered its dependence on the MRF.

“This protest is, after all, a welfare protest, because not enough welfare is produced in Bulgaria. “Since we joined the European family, Romania has surpassed us by 14%,” said Hristo Ivanov.

At the end of his participation, he insisted that the protest is currently supported far, far beyond the yellow cobblestones.

