MES buys 80,000 devices for e-learning – Education


We anticipate the purchase of a minimum of 80,000 devices: 20,000 for teachers and a minimum of 60,000 for students to be used for e-learning. This will be done with funds from the European Union, but it is related to budget procedures and the Public Procurement Law. This was stated by the Minister of Education and Science, Krassimir Valchev, in response to a parliamentary question on the problems in the transition to e-learning.Krassimir Valchev

Krassimir Valchev is the Minister of Education and Science. He was born on June 9, 1975. Since September 2009.

He pointed out that in the state of emergency since March this year, due to the coronavirus, Bulgaria was one of the countries in which training in an electronic environment started very quickly and relatively successfully. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, in the first weeks of e-learning, almost five percent of students declared that they did not study due to lack of devices, and almost five percent, due to lack of Internet connectivity.

Contracts were concluded with mobile operators for preferential offers for schools, to help parents, to supply Internet at preferential prices, Minister Valchev said.

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Together with two of the mobile operators in our country, we built 11 Wi-Fi zones in the so-called separate neighborhoods, in the places with the highest concentration of uncovered students, announced the Minister of Education. He said that nearly 900 devices had already been purchased, most of them given to teachers and a smaller number to students.

We assist in the donation of students and more than 1000 devices, added Minister Valchev.

He commented that students who have not joined e-learning are not only because they do not have access to the Internet and devices, but because some of them do not want to join.

We have almost 20 percent of children with whom we have problems with their regular participation and attendance in a normal situation and in face-to-face training. Exactly these children were not included in the e-learning, explained Minister Valchev.

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He commented that our main problem is the lack of attitude and responsibility of parents towards education, but most of these children have smartphones, using them for more than just learning.

These 80,000 devices to be purchased will not only be used in e-learning, but will also be used by teachers in schools. There should be a device in each classroom, because teachers work with electronic newspapers and will connect these laptops with screens or multimedia projectors, Minister Valchev explained.

He said there are still more than 60,000 devices in schools, but most of them are desktop computers and cannot be used in an emergency.

Currently, 0.4 percent of classes are in quarantine, even if they become 1 percent, there is no problem with the equipment available, if the current total level of average daily number of infected is maintained in order to provide training in a electronic environment, Minister Krassimir Valchev said.Krassimir Valchev

Krassimir Valchev is the Minister of Education and Science. He was born on June 9, 1975. Since September 2009.
