COVID-19 has settled down well with us


The virus will be with us for a few more years because it has settled well, feels good and is developing well.. The coronavirus coexists with us. This was stated in the BNT morning block by virologist Prof. Radka Argirova.

Influenza differs from coronavirus in that it occurs suddenly and rapidly, whereas for COVID-19 symptoms begin after the first week of infection.. “It is possible for people to get sick with both viruses at the same time, but there is no evidence that they interact. They exhaust as much as possible,” warned the virologist.

If the virus is highly variable, it is very difficult to get vaccinated, but the coronavirus changes much more slowly than the flu. Professor Argirova pointed out that according to science, there is a vaccine against the coronavirus in Russia, the vaccine itself gave a very high percentage of antibodies to people who are immunized. Scientists continue to monitor the results.

Currently the other major vaccines, the British and the American, are awaited.

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BMA wants COVID-19 sampling point outside hospitals

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20-25% of people who become infected with the coronavirus transmit the virus asymptomatically. Those who become ill after infection may have mild illness, but the moderate to severe course of the virus requires hospital treatment. That is why we cannot stop believing that there is no coronavirus, Professor Argirova warned.

The increase in coronavirus infections is due to the increase in the gathering of people at cultural and sporting events.. In the summer months, the orders were obvious, but people didn’t follow them well, said Professor Argirova.

According to Argirova, we cannot speak of a second wave of the coronavirus in Bulgaria, because the first is not over yet. We could speak of a second wave, when the virus is completely eliminated, said the virologist.

At the moment, we can only help ourselves by following the measurements. Where distance and disinfection measures are followed, the number of infected people is actually decreasing, the virologist explained.

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Kunchev: COVID-19 does what it wants, nobody knows what wave we are in

He is concerned about the high death rate and the large number of affected doctors.

Professor Argirova supports the use of masks by children in schools. Let them play, but with masks, kids are not predictable at all when they can encounter the coronavirus, he said.

Helmets work and are suitable for medical personnel. Helmets should be cleaned periodically and the mask should be changed, Professor Argirova insisted.

The mask is a difficult option for younger children, but Professor Argirova finds it even more difficult to dilute the groups in kindergartens. and come up with activities that keep children so close to each other. He urged parents not to kiss their children on the mouth, because in this way the coronavirus is transmitted through saliva.
