Bill Gates: The Coronavirus Pandemic Will End In 2022 – Analysis


In 2021, with a global approach, the prevalence of the coronavirus should be reduced. The COVID-19 pandemic will end at best in 2022, said the founder of the Microsoft technology giant, Bill Gates, according to Nova TV.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 12369

In an interview with Fox News, he said that if the vaccine is approved in early 2021, the situation in the United States will begin to normalize next summer. There will be talk of a full recovery by the end of next year, provided the United States helps other countries.

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“The epidemic will probably end in the best of cases in 2022. However, in 2021, with a global approach, we must reduce the levels of spread of the infection. Thank goodness, vaccine development technologies were already available, they were it secured the funding and the companies provided their best specialists. So I’m optimistic it won’t last forever, “Gates said.

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According to him, the level of vaccination in the world during the pandemic fell by 14%, “destroying the advances of the last 20 years.” He expressed disappointment that the United States “has not been able to show that it is helping to procure vaccines for developing countries.”

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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