The brother of the missing Janek shook the net with these words PHOTO


Another day there is no news or bones of the missing Dupnitsa resident Yanek Milanov. He has been missing since July 31, when he was last seen by video surveillance cameras in the jeep of the bodyguard of the Galevi brothers, Vasil Kaplanov-Kaplata. Kaplata was detained twice, except for other investigations.

The drama with Janek continues: this court decision froze Kaplata’s blood

Mario, Janek’s brother, returns to look for his brother from abroad. He even met with Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev. Police raids have been carried out on several occasions in Dupnitsa and the region, in the hope of finding traces of Janek, but so far the attempts have failed.

This mystery also infuriates Janek and Mario’s fellow citizens. Calls for institutions to clarify the issue are popping up online. One of them is a member of the Facebook group “Where is Janek” called a Bulgarian emigrant. He called on the institutions of the city to comment on the disappearance of Yanek Milanov, who has been missing for 50 days.

Nightmare news from today’s search for Janek near Dupnitsa

This address is the latest post from Janek’s brother Mario.

Immediately below Mario’s post, user comments were uploaded:

“Ninona Nina It just doesn’t fit my mind, how can this man disappear without a trace, in front of witnesses, in broad daylight and with today’s advanced technology? Something is seriously wrong with the police and detective system .. . in Dupnitsa

Vasya Ivanova Ninona Nina, and not only …..

Todorka Tosheva In Dupnitsa everything is possible ”, some of them read.

Extraordinary news about the missing Janek, the police began …

Here is the comment from the Dupnitsa resident:

Speech to the institutions of the town of Dupnitsa.

Mr. Metodi Chimev, Mayor of Dupnitsa Municipality:
Dupnitsa Town Hall:
President of the Municipal Council of Dupnitsa – Eng. Kostadin Krumov Kostadinov.
List of municipal councilors
1. Yordan Krumov Yordanov
2. Asen Georgiev Pilev
3. Alexander Ivanov Parisov
4. Violeta Gencheva Inkyova
5. Georgi Vasilev Naumov
6. Dimitar Vassilev Krekmanov
7. Emil Dimitrov Gushcherov
8. Maria Georgieva Sokolova
9. Stanislav Hristov Pavlov
10. Alexander Dimitrov Anin
11. Asen Sotirov Iliev
12. Boyko Olegov Hristov
13. Valentina Vasileva Karaganova
14. Ivaylo Valeriev Petrov
15. Parvan Angelov Dangov
16. Venelin Petkov Ivanov
17. Pavel Angelov Kolarski
18. Todor Dimitrov Vasilev
19. Leonid Yosifov Hazdai
20. Georgi Krasimirov Gradevski
21. Ivan Metodiev Tanev
22. Miglena Yordanova Velova
23. Kostadin Krumov Kostadinov
24. Venelin Raymond Kolarov
25. Georgi Vasilev Georgiev
26. Emilia Raichova Kuzmanova
27. Ivan Milanov Rakov
28. Virgil Georgiev Katsov
29. Loreta Metodieva Nikolova
30. Plamen Petrov Sokolov
31. Kostadin Mikhailov Sevdin
32. Georgi Vassilev Gradevski
33. Yonko Yordanov Gergov
Daniela Gyurova, president of the Dupnitsa District Prosecutor’s Office:
District office – Dupnitsa
Head of Regional Department – Dupnitsa
Chief Inspector Borislav Dinev:
And all governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Dear sirs, chosen or appointed to observe civil peace and tranquility: for almost 50 days, our brother, friend, relative, relative, fellow citizen Yanek Milanov has been in absolute darkness.

Do not think that this is the time to express an opinion and position to the public in the town of Dupnitsa and throughout Bulgaria. Give people an idea that someone is taking care of their peace of mind. [ което всъщност е ваше служебно задължение].

Don’t you think that citizens, like your employer, have the right to know periodically what activity they are doing and what is your future action strategy?

Don’t you think that in the last twenty years we’ve had several iconic murders, not just of undiscovered people from the underworld who are talked about as if they weren’t human lives?

It is not the duty of citizens to blame anyone suspected of working and it is the duty of citizens to hold their officials to do their job and to be held accountable.

Thank you for your attention and anticipation of your answers. I wish you a successful job. One of seven thousand potential voters for his “Where is Janek” group
