We will have 30,000 million euros from the EU to face the effects of COVID-19


The total amount that our country will have from the EU to overcome the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic is almost 30,000 million euros. This was said during the parliamentary control of Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev in response to a parliamentary question from the BSP group, cited by BGNES.

Donchev explained that part of these amounts are under the current programs.

“Almost BGN 9 billion are in line with cohesion policy. A large part are funds from the common agricultural policy, I mean both direct payments and investment measures. These funds have been programmed in recent years”, said.

Donchev explained that the latest version of the operational programs was sent to the European Commission in March 2020.

“A much more mature version will be shipped on October 20,” he said, noting that for the 2021-2027 program, I am moving towards the first echelon of EU countries.

He commented that we have a host of new tools for action.

“One tool is called a fair transition fund to finance decarbonisation policies, for a total value of 1,200 million euros. It is divided into two parts with different terms of spending the money. One part is until 2026, the other until the end of the 2027 programming period plus 3, that is, by 2030, “he said.

Donchev said that what the Socialists were talking about was the instrument of recovery and sustainability, which was worth just over 6.2 billion euros.

“Here, the progress of each of the countries will be described in the form of a plan, which must be presented to the EC before April 30, 2021. Access to financing depends on the quality of the proposals made by the member state itself” , said. the national plan must meet several requirements.

“This must be a plan that first and foremost increases the capacity of public systems to respond to shocks and risks. I will mention health here first, but these are also the security and education systems. Second, this should be a plan to help the economies and societies of the member states to recover their economies, “said Donchev, adding that at the same time this plan should be for economic development.

“Thanks to this plan, the entire EU economy must become stronger, bolder, faster, more ambitious and able to compete with our global partners and the competition. And all this has to be combined with reforms,” ​​he added.

Donchev also announced that the project proposal framework is currently being shortened, because access to financing is just over BGN 12 billion. The 60 projects are worth more than BGN 20 billion and the best quality ones must be selected. greater added value.

“This money should be invested in areas of reconstruction, development and reform,” he said, noting that all measures would be carried out as a combination of grants and a financial instrument.

From his words it was clear that the use of funds could occur earlier if the state presents a plan and is approved, and asked us not to wait for the deadline, which is next year.

“We must pursue the more ambitious goal of presenting the plan by the end of this year, early next year,” he said.

Donchev also commented on the protests in our country.

“This energy, which is part of Bulgarian society, which is in the squares, will be wasted if it does not lead to change. Our common task is to do it in the best way. What must change, the legislative framework, including in the constitution, so that the state can perform one of its main functions, is to do justice. The anger comes from the fact that a large part of the Bulgarian citizens have doubts as to whether the state is capable of doing justice ”, commented the Deputy Prime Minister, adding that when there is no sense of justice, citizens do not see the meaning of the state./ BGNES

Sofia, Bulgaria
