Valchev: No plans to close schools in October – Bulgaria


“Our goal is for children to spend as much time as possible in school. In previous years we had 1 to 2 weeks of vacation from the flu, now it will be changed remotely. There are no planned school closings starting in October , definitely”. This was stated by the Minister of Education, Krassimir Valchev, on the air of NOVA.

“We have no idea what the situation will be, but we hope it does not get worse,” the minister added. And he assured that there are enough teachers who can replace their classmates if necessary.

The school year in our country begins in the conditions of an extraordinary epidemic situation.

The first day of school this year will be marked by increased security measures.

All schools have prepared with masks. If a child is left without a mask, they will receive one on the spot. The child will be explained to use it.

These are the steps that all schools must follow

There will be official celebrations for first, fifth, and eighth graders only. The rest will meet in classrooms or offices.

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What are the steps that all schools must follow?

The most important rules schools must follow are disinfection and distance. Each school will have a person in charge of making sure that there are no children in the hallways, as well as the students to wash their hands regularly and apply disinfectant.

The masks will not be mandatory for children in the classroom, but only when leaving. However, teachers who teach more than one class will need to wear masks or helmets even in class.

The recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science is to limit the contact between the different classes as much as possible. For this, most schools have developed a schedule according to which students will start their classes at different times and, consequently, their breaks will be different.

In the case of a child with a COVID-19 symptom, he must be immediately separated from the others in a special room and his parents must come to pick him up. If a student or teacher tests positive, the entire class will be quarantined for two weeks and will study remotely.

Valchev: The regime in our schools is one of the most liberal

The Ministry of Education and Science announced that if necessary, they can respond within 24 hours and move on to distance education.

According to official data from the Ministry of Education and Science, this year the number of students in the country is just over 717,000. Today, some 59,000 first-grade students will hear the first bell of the school.

There are 2359 schools in the country, there are more than 717,400 students from 1st to 12th grade.

68,400 are teachers, pedagogical specialists and school directors.

Nearly 900 repair works have been carried out in 99 state and 646 municipal schools. Shortly after the start of the school year, renovation activities will continue at more than 100 schools. There the necessary organization will be created so as not to hinder the normal opening of the school year and the course of the learning process.

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