Stoycho Stoychev: Boyko Borissov does not lose control of his party



“Boyko Borissov does not lose control of his party, at a time when being the ruling party is not socially prestigious, because the protests legitimize the opposition as a source of prestige, so it is normal, people who doubted or had life plans and professionals alternative. “to leave the party and the positions they held to seek another fulfillment,” commented political scientist Assoc. Prof. Stoycho Stoychev from the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

There will be a secession of the GERB members, there will be people going to Tsvetanov, there will be people going to other parties, including Slavi Trifonov’s project, Maya Manolova, Stoychev predicted to BNR.

“There will be people who will seek fulfillment, because they try to always be on the side of the winner, on the side of the winner. There have always been such conformists not only in Bulgaria, but all over the world.”

Participation in local government is a prerequisite for the longevity of any political force in Bulgaria.

If Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha had attracted the best specialists from all fields of science, economics and business, people who have social prestige, high income, who practice their own profession, he attracted them to politics, to these people as soon as momentum is lost. While GERB attracted people for whom being a councilor, being a mayor, being a deputy is not only prestigious, but is the pinnacle of his biography. and loyal as party members and officials, “Stoychev explained.

Tsvetan Tsvetanov’s project will not have the scale of Georgi Parvanov’s ABC project. GERB people will come out, they will support Tsvetan Tsvetanov’s project, but Tsvetanov’s project for a party has no chance of getting parliamentary representation, predicts Stoycho Stoychev.

“I definitely don’t see them in the next parliament. You can see how strong there are alternatives right now, which sociologists measure with pretty solid chances of entering parliament, further downplaying Tsvetanov’s attempts to make something work.” he is unproductive in his situation because people do not have so little memory, there he was the great protagonist until now, now he is suddenly turning against his own family, I do not consider it to be a good strategy, if someone does not want or wants to vote against GERB, there are enough alternatives – Slavi Trifonov, Maya Manolova, “Democratic Bulgaria” – with a real chance of entering the National Assembly to go support Tsvetanov. I don’t see that reason. “

The decision of whether there will be snap elections is not dictated by the street, but by Boyko Borissov, Stoycho Stoychev said.
