Prof. Kosta Kostov: We are still in the epidemic – Diseases


“I do not understand this complaint of the skeptics, not even this protest of parents against the measures that are necessary, not so severe, completely flexible, as established in the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science.” This was stated to BNR by Professor Kosta Kostov, president of the Council of medical experts for the control of the coronavirus.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 12201

“It’s great that schools provide differentiated and divided breaks, it’s great if there is the possibility of minimal communication between different classes,” he added.

Prof. Angelov: Wearing masks in schools will limit the spread of COVID-19 among children

Discontent with the use of masks is unfounded, commented the professor: “There are moments, there are mechanics and kinetics of aerosol flow, in which ordinary, replaceable masks would not work, but at the same time they are a great protection mechanism in areas common where we don’t. We know what people are like where streams mix, where there may be asymptomatic carriers of the virus, where the distance is greater. The use of masks in common areas has a protective function, “he said.

“I would recommend that all teacher students at the beginning of the school year be tested in laboratories for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. This would be a great opportunity to relieve those with positive antibodies from the burden of anti-virus measures. epidemic. recommended at the beginning of each trimester, “stressed Prof. Kosta Kostov.

“If some people have the illusion that the river of epidemic has flowed, they are deeply mistaken,” Kostov said. “We are still in the epidemic, if we look at the data from the epidemic, it is not entirely calm.”

There is no centralized body to sift the wheat from the chaff, the professor commented: “There is no body to count, sift, transmit the truth in its pure, ultimate, scientifically based form, based on the latest data.”

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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