Alexander – the son of Pironkova, already plays tennis, but he caught a ball, not a rocket from the prostitute.


Motherhood made Tsvetana more confident in the game

Alexander, Tsvetana Pironkova’s son, who is only 2 years and 6 months old, is already taking his first steps in tennis.

Plovdiv pride returned to tennis after motherhood in the best possible way, reaching the US Open quarterfinals for the first time. There she lost to Serena Williams after a fierce fight.

In the family court, which is located near the rowing base in Plovdiv, little Alex learns from his mother. He has his own racket and ball and knows what the serve, the forehand and the backhand are, reveal relatives of our great athlete.

The boy was one year old when his grandmother Radosveta (Tsveti’s mother and our famous swimmer) handed him the rocket, and the boy held it tightly with his hand and hit the ball. However, the boy took the soccer ball from his predecessor. It will be a tennis or soccer player, people predicted.

Pironkova’s husband –

Mihail Mirchev,

is a former player

by Loko (Pd)

He currently deals in automobiles.

“It helps a lot to raise Alexander. When he was a baby, only his father bathed him,” say people close to the family.

According to them, both raise their son to discipline him. Tsveti did not allow him to watch videos on the phone for a long time and show quirks. Like any child, Alex would flinch at times, trying to get what he wanted, but in the end he obeyed his parents. He liked being called “well done” when he listened.

“He is a boy with character. He learns easily.

His mother teaches him

not only tennis,

but also in english

He already knows a lot of words, “explain Pironkovi’s friends. According to them, Grandma Radosveta takes great care of the boy. Our former swimmer has been observing her grandson at his house in Hr. G. Danov” in the center of the city so that my daughter can train In March of this year Tsveti announced that she would return to tennis after a 3-year break.

Since the beginning of the summer, Alex has been going to the garden, which is also visited by his first cousins, the children of Encho Pironkov (Pironkova’s brother and training partner). Mikhail’s mother is dedicated to leading the boy. She quickly adapted to her new surroundings, but was happier when she returned to Mom and Dad.

In their spare time, the two used to walk with him around Plovdiv.

“How will I leave it, I will constantly think about Alex,” Tsvetana said before leaving for the US Open, where he caused a sensation as he reached the quarter-finals. She achieved four spectacular victories and was featured in the global media as one of three mothers who made a triumphant return to tennis.

“Everything about motherhood helped me. I became a different person and my attention is no longer on me, but on the child. And that’s good.

I’m more organized, “Tsveti shared, after beating Alize Cornet in the round of 16 in New York. According to experts, the Plovdiv woman also had a great match with Serena Williams. The American also admitted that the rival played very well.

“At times I didn’t understand how she did such amazing things on the court,” said the former world No. 1, who also returned to the court after childbearing. And the change in Pironkova is seen by everyone around her.

“She shows calm and confidence in her matches. The opening blow is very stable. For the first time I see a great forehand with her. Make an incredible comeback,” said the coach of our national women’s team in the “Fed Cup” Dora Rangelova .

According to her, motherhood has had a positive effect on Pironkova’s game.

Rangelova is not surprised by Tsveti’s success in New York. According to her, she is a “child of exceptional character”, but the family also made a great contribution: Father Kiril, who is a personal trainer, brother Encho, her training partner, mother Radosveta, her husband Mikhail.

“Tsveti’s father has 35 years of coaching experience and is an established specialist,” Rangelova said.

Kiril Pironkov is known under the hills for not liking appearances in the media. He spends all of his time in family court. He steadfastly refuses to comment on his daughter’s performance at the US Open.

His wife Radosveta says that

Flowers has achieved

a great success that

is the excess of expectations

they. She added that her daughter put a lot of emphasis on physical training.

“This is evident at the US Open, especially in the match with Cornet, which was longer. Pironkova showed no fatigue,” said Vice President of the Bulgarian Association of Tennis Courts, Dr. Georgi Krumov. She clarifies that Tsveti’s training took place in the close family circle of her courts. Besides her brother, her training partners were other young hopes of ours in tennis.

“There is no doubt that the results it has shown in the United States have been achieved with great effort, without any prohibited means,” added Dr. Krumov. According to her, the fact that Tsveti is part of a famous sports family and carries her genes should not be underestimated.

Kiril Pironkov was a good rower and his wife Radosveta is a multiple swimming champion. He also won a bronze medal at the European Championships.

“Tsvetana has serious jeans. Not only her parents contributed to her growth as a competitor and as a person.

Of your grandfather Encho

Pironkov – large

artist, e

inherited the rich

culture and interests

to art

He also has the intellect of his great-grandfather, the famous Plovdiv architect Boyan Chinkov, an iconic figure of the city, “says Dr. Krumov.

According to him, with his incredible return to tennis, Tsveti proves that he is a worthy descendant of his ancestors. For her triumphant victory at Wimbledon, when she reached the semi-finals, she received the title of “honorary citizen” of Plovdiv.

The Lokomotiv tennis club, where Tsveti began her career, claims that she is our most successful tennis player. The competitors emphasize that there is no other Bulgarian woman who has remained among the top 100 in the world for so many years.

Pironkova is our only compatriot who won a Premier tournament (Sydney, 2014)

Tsveti first appeared in a major competition in 2002 in Romania with a small prize pool to score points for the women’s world rankings.

Three years later, she already has two semi-finals in women’s association tournaments: in Istanbul, where she lost to Venus Williams, and in Palermo, where she was stopped by Anna Isabel Medina Garrigues. This was the first season in the top 100. At the same time, he is already beginning to play in Grand Slam tournaments. She has recorded a total of more than 50 appearances at the US Open, Wimbledon, Roland Garros, and the Australian Open.

Tsvetana Pironkova’s career is an example

how can one

come up with

measured steps

and without much noise

In the world rankings, the woman from Plovdiv reached №31, and the performance of “Wimbledon” will remain a calling card.
He has always admitted that he loves the oldest tournament in the world.

The turf turned out to be extremely suitable for his flatter playing style, and the atmosphere in London and the All-England Tennis and Croquet Club seems to rank just as importantly as that of his native Plovdiv.

In 2010, Pironkova caused national euphoria by qualifying for the Wimbledon semi-finals after a win over Venus Williams. Russian Vera Zvonareva stopped. Tsvetana considers this achievement to be # 1 in her career.

A year later he was a quarterfinalist in the same tournament, but lost to Petra Kvitova. In 2016, she entered the quarter-finals at Roland Garros and lost to Samantha Stosser.

Sofia’s spectators will remember Pironkova’s semi-final at Arena Armeec in 2012, when she lost to Karolin Wozniacki.
She won her first title, so far only, on the WTA calendar in 2014 in Sydney, where she started in qualifying. After the final, she dedicated her success to a grandfather, who always watched her from heaven.

There is something that Tsvetana is enviable constant in, and that is the agreement to play in the selection for the Federation Cup. In the world of women

she is a record holder for

Bulgaria with more

participation (39),

more wins

individually (22) and at most years in which he played (13).

Her father traveled to tournaments with Pironkova for seasons, but her brother Encho was with her in New York for the US Open.

“Now the pressure on me is less because I don’t have high expectations. I just enjoy the game and that’s the most important thing. We must always believe in ourselves, ”explains the businesswoman with her own sportswear brand Pironkova. There is no reason not to trust, because she always does things her way, as Frank Sinatra sings.

With the points earned at the US Open, Tsveti is now taking a big step towards participating in the fourth Olympics. So far, she has represented Bulgaria in Beijing, London and Rio de Janeiro, experts say.

Those who follow the path believe that

win in

the woman from Plovdiv,

that sunday

turns 33,

is coming

They predict a long stellar career.

“He is a very hard-working person. And everyone knows that success in sport is due to 5 percent of talent, the rest is work”, say the tennis players of the club “Lokomotiv”. According to them, Tsveti is an example of a true runner – he sets a goal and pursues it until he achieves it During her motherhood, she managed to establish her own clothing brand.

In her hometown, she is known as an active participant in many charitable initiatives to help underprivileged people. She is the face of the “Tennis – a sport for everyone” campaign, which supports children from various clubs in the country to take their first steps on the court.

Sports circles under the hills are convinced that Pironkova will continue her victorious campaign, which began in the United States.

“Returning to the great sport in three years and being among the eight strongest in a tournament like the US Open is unique. Not only for you, but for all athletes. Only the chosen, including you, can do it,” he wrote next to her the soccer legend Hristo Bonev-Zuma. According to him, she has already achieved much more important victories. She became a mother during a glamorous career and then made her big comeback in sports.

“Everything from now on is an advantage. In these difficult times, it showed that the spirit of Bulgaria and Plovdiv is alive. I hope that your example will be followed by more young Bulgarians,” says Zuma.

And the mayor of Plovdiv, Zdravko Dimitrov, greeted his fellow citizen.
“Tsvetana Pironkova gave the people of Plovdiv the greatest gift for the city holidays with her brilliant performance at the United States Grand Slam tournament,” Zico wrote on Facebook.
