How far will discontent go and where will it lead us? – Bulgaria


“I am very satisfied with the development of recent events in the country. There is normalization and people are protesting in a civilized way, it was even beautiful. This with the fireflies fascinated me last night, ”said social anthropologist Haralan Alexandrov in the“ Hello, Bulgaria ”study.

The best news for Alexandrov was that the progressive middle class would finally be represented in the future parliament.

Who loses and who wins from the political crisis?

“The parity between GERB and BSP is terribly curious. One interpretation is for the bipolar model. The other is to fragment parliament. Both parties have been reduced to their hard cores. In my opinion, the result depends on the BSP. It is very important what what will happen tomorrow, ”Alexandrov said on the occasion of the upcoming direct election of a BSP leader tomorrow.

“I do not believe that the BSP has the possibility of becoming the first political force. However, what will happen during the weekend will be very important. The BSP lags behind the leadership of these protests because it is involved in internal battles of the party, “said journalist Mira Badjeva on NOVA.

Trend: Five parties in the next National Assembly, the first two with adjusted results

According to her, the biggest intrigue with the BSP is not who will be the new leader, but whether there will be more than 51% of the voters and the direct election will be recognized. She believes that Kiril Dobrev will not have the strength to lead the BSP.
