GERB – 23.8%, BSP – 23.4%, people divided on the constitution


83% want to reduce the number of deputies to 120

55% against blocking intersections

Trend’s national representative poll in July ended a day before protests began in the country. It provided an excellent starting point against which we could compare the dynamics of public attitudes towards our August survey.

The protests



in evaluating the work of parliament and the government and in public support for the main ruling party, which was one of the conclusions of the analysis of our previous poll published in mid-August.

The comparison between Trend research in August and September does not show a change in this trend, but there is some stabilization in the dynamics of public attitudes.

The evaluation of the work of parliament and the government is deteriorating again, but this month by a low of 2-3%, and support for GERB remains at similar levels.

The evaluation of the work of the presidential institution also remains at the same levels as those recorded in August. And here the differences are within the statistical error.

Another indicator that we monitor every month is the need for early parliamentary elections. It also lacks dynamics, as in September

47% want




and 37% did not.

Support for the protests also remains unchanged (62% support them and 30% do not), and there is skepticism that they will lead to the resignation of the government – 42% are convinced that this will not happen, and a third – that there will be a resignation anyway.

A few weeks before the start of this study, a new form of protest started with the permanent blockade of key intersections in Sofia and other cities, so we decided to test support for this type of protest. The majority of respondents (55%) do not support blockades, and 35%, on the contrary, approve of such actions.

We also tested the attitudes of Bulgarians towards Boyko Borissov’s initiative for a new constitution. In general, the data shows that a large part of Bulgarian citizens are not familiar with this topic.

When asked whether or not a new Bulgarian constitution should be approved, more than a third responded with “I don’t know / I can’t judge”. 29% think that a new constitution is necessary and 37% that it is not.

We tested each of the major proposed changes. Without a doubt, the most serious support (83%) is the reduction in the number of parliamentarians from 240 to 120. The other change that receives high support is the reduction of the terms of the “big three” in the judiciary from 7 to 5 years , as 72% support this change and 7% do not support it.

The other initiatives


GERB - 23.8%, BSP - 23.4%, people divided on the constitution

more alien to

GERB - 23.8%, BSP - 23.4%, people divided on the constitution

Respondents It is quite logical that such a complex constitutional question generates more accumulations in the answers “I do not know / I can not judge”.

GERB - 23.8%, BSP - 23.4%, people divided on the constitution

For example, half of the respondents have no opinion on the filing of an individual constitutional complaint, but among those who know the procedure, 43% support it and only 6% are against it.

The abolition of the institution of the Grand National Assembly is the only change for which the majority is against (32%) against the support of 28%. However, most of them are not aware of this matter or cannot decide what is the best solution. Almost half (46%) do not pronounce on the establishment of a judicial and fiscal council, which would have a legislative initiative.

The September Trend poll did not show any serious dynamics in voting attitudes among voters compared to the August poll. We register practical parity between GERB (23.8%) and BSP (23.4%) and a slight increase in “There are such people” (15.9%). MRF (10.4%) and Democratic Bulgaria (9.9%) remain at similar levels.

Till the date

five games

are you sure

participants in the next parliament, with the formation around Maya Manolova and the United Patriots preserving opportunities for representation in it.

The data comes from a nationally representative survey of the “Tred” research center commissioned by “24 hours” in the period from August 29 to September 5, in which 1008 Bulgarian adults were interviewed by the method “face to face “.
