Georgi Atanasov: They are preparing a grand GERB-BSP coalition


The idea of ​​the strategists behind Boyko Borissov is to prepare the ground for a “Grand Coalition” between GERB and BSP on the model of the HDZ-SDP plant in Germany. This is stated by veteran journalist Georgi Atanasov in his analysis, cited by

According to Merkel’s class lesson, in which our “polyglot” is explained in satellite love under the refrain of “libe”, “libe”. Stanishev, Kovachev and daughters-in-law Gabriel and Maidel, and all the alchemy will aim to preserve the throne of Boyko Borisov, the most obedient student of the Berlin teacher.

However, for this purpose, Ninova must be removed at any cost at the expense of the “red” Janissaries, Atanasov believes.

Probably due to some unwritten logic, the oldest party in our country becomes the pioneer of a democratic procedure applied less frequently, when all the members of a political formation vote for who should lead them. Can you imagine a similar story in the corporation for the liquidation of the Government, called GERB, also called “political party” ?! “, he says.

Opposition against the only opposition?

“What is this?” A play on words, a joke or another of our patents? Or maybe something? Follow the bar of events, personalities, interests and dependencies. To get a pretty clear direction for reference in the maze. For three or four years, Cornelia Ninova has been the target of the media servants in the service of GERB and personally of Boyko Borissov. For the sole reason that this woman brought the BSP out of the awake coma to which the Centennial was brought by Stanishev, Mikov and Cía and became a thorn in the side and the heel of the new Party-State owned by the Firefighter.

In politics, as in sports, only results are played. And they definitely speak for Cornelia, especially in the context of her predecessors. In a short political time, she managed to double the parliamentary representation of the BSP, won the presidential vote with force and seriously improved the performance of the European and local elections. Of course, when it comes to a historic party like the Centennial, the team always comes first, but now we are talking about choosing a leader, ”says Atanasov.

You will fix the dominoes very easily, remembering the chronicle of the last three or four years. All the media and “expert” service of GERB was taken advantage of in the war against Cornelia Ninova, nominated as enemy # 1 of GERB. Why? Because in plain, brief, clear, striking and unappealable text, it formulates the mafia nature of the dictatorship. Along with the ruthlessly correct assessment of the tragedy of the Transition, which affected most of the Bulgarians. And that was why they called her an enemy, while at the same time launching the Fifth Column against her. Namely, Boyko Borisov’s agency in “Positano” №20. And since the history of mankind is a chronicle of betrayal, the alphabet of shame has been enriched with new names, “Atanasov said.

For Georgi Gergov

“The absurd became grotesque in Shakespearean style when Georgi Gergov began reading morals. The “red” millionaire from Plovdiv, who turned the local party organization into his own feudal state, got into the scandals at the “Fair” and the central department store, silenced by conspiracy by the possessed Themis, was chosen by Boyko Borissov as a ram against Ninova. Unfortunately, the firefighter obviously didn’t read enough outside of Vinetu, because otherwise he wouldn’t have scored such a deadly own goal into his protégé’s net …

Every person with two grams of brain in the head realized that Gergov’s “golden hole” in Varna was filled with 43 million BGN by Boyko Borissov. This was the price of the attack on Ninova and the BSP, the only real opposition in parliament. Further up the chain of interests and dependencies, the Fifth Column of the Jews around Positano №20 was joined by the “lifelong senators” Dabov, Bozhinov, Merdjanov, Naidenov, who were removed from the parliamentary list after Ninova imposed a two-term limit. “He added.

“It’s clear to the jolly man from the Northwest Misho Mikov that he can’t forgive his heir for showing him how. And Sergei Stanishev joined the Forsaken Fifth Column for the simple reason that Bush-Biscuit’s favorite ‘cleaner’ has to return the rest to Boyko Borissov because the Chief took advantage of all the resources of the board’s media to push the SS to Brussels when Ninova had raised a red card to the defender of “gender” … And so in the sect of the traitors were built, each with their own personal interests, clients of the System like Gergov, genetic nomenclaturist like Stanishev, rejected “gray cardinals” but Dabov and Bozhinov more eternal “Members of the Komsomol” of the Merjanov type. Not to mention some local apparatchiks, thirsty for media fame. All of them were offended by Ninova for something, and the ultimate motive for his internal party “alternative” was the cause of the BSP. Rather, his main impulse was to serve Boyko Borissov against the respective rest when the time came …

And so the “wise men”, combining the values ​​of the Centennial while the Devil reads the Gospel, began their march against Ninova, thrown at Boyko’s feet. Did Stanishev set the tone for the Brussels “whistles” with ramblings about “national responsibility” and “Borisov’s growth”? At the same time, Piglet accused Cornelia of not bowing down to the Virus and singing the dithyrambs of Salvador de Bankya. The scorching political schemer Dabov attacked President Radev, while complaining about how “General” BB allowed Drawer and Patlaka to be photographed ?! In parallel, the Fifth Column of the new Lukanovs and Parvanovites rejected Ninova’s idea of ​​a national subscription against the Junta and, as compensation, tried to call “plenary sessions” without a quorum to imitate the belated opposition to their boss GERB. This is the situation on the eve of the election of the leader of the only historic party in our country, which spans three centuries: the end of the 19th century, the entire 20th and the first two decades of the 21st. Obviously, it will continue in time, but the question is how? Atanasov asks.

Economic interests

“All these seemingly absurd performances were organized and paid for by GERB. According to the known system, something for everyone. For Stanishev, a multi-digit rent from Brussels, for Gergov, a ‘golden hole’ with 43 million BGN, for the rest , a promise of a soft and warm chair on the budget. Not bad, especially when it comes to absolute political losers of the race of Mikov, Dabov, Bozhinov, Merdjanov, who still want to “fix” the BSP, as if they don’t have enough to bring the Centennial to the П MRF parliamentary quota?! Before Ninova intervened and doubled the result, when the boycotters of “Positano” №20 were about to finally throw the counter of the centennial left party. A separate issue it is the ambition and combination of the young “red” millionaire Kiril Dobrev, who fits perfectly into GERB’s business clientele with “public procurement” and all kinds of projects, impossible without the blessing of Bankya …

Sofia, Bulgaria
