They pointed out the big difference between Bulgaria and Germany in the battle with COVID-19


There are more than 25 million cases of coronavirus in the world and the new epicenter is India: more than 78 thousand infected in a single day. Several European countries also continue to see an increase in the number of infected people. Germany and Spain have the highest number of new infections in months.

Anesthesiologist and resuscitator at a hospital in Germany – Dr. Boris Tablov, pointed out in “Bulgaria in the morning” that deaths in our country are a parameter that requires attention. He believes that it is necessary to look at which health institutions perform better, compare them with those that have the worst results and look for an organizational and technical reason.

“In Germany, the percentage of new cases is significantly lower. In Bulgaria there is no standardized unified approach. In Germany they regularly issue methodological recommendations to all colleagues. In Bulgaria, each hospital has its own approach, which is part of the problem”, said. Dr. Tablov before Bulgaria IN THE AIR.

He pointed out that there are coordinating headquarters in Germany that exchange information and things are regulated. However, at the hospital level, no specialty works by itself.

“Every day we exchange ideas with colleagues from different specialties. Patient visits in the covid room are done together, each patient is discussed. There is no way to leave work to just one specialty,” said Dr. Tablov .

According to him, the Robert Koch Institute is the headquarters that collects and processes all the information. Periodically, the institute issues guidelines for those who work in the health system.

“At the moment we only know a few simple measures: wear masks, distance yourself, avoid gathering in large groups, wash your hands … There is nothing definitive yet, Germany does not make a difference. It is not surprising that the number of cases has increased. The approach must be standardized, “said Dr. Boris Tablov.

According to him, there should be no fear, but understanding. Angela Merkel also asked that people understand the limitations to protect a substantial part of a functioning economy. Don’t have to close schools again.

