Petar Velkov, teacher: How do you sleep at night, Professor Atanas Mangarov?


Petar Velkov PHOTO: Facebook / Petar Velkov

COVID-19 the tragedy of a family of doctors who dedicated their lives to others….

Covid-19 took another young victim: Dr. Emil Vaklyov, only 38 years old, a brilliant young cardiologist, died just 5 days after the disease killed his father, also a doctor, one of the most respected and loved doctors in the region with 4500 patients.

According to all of their patients, they were not only brilliant doctors, great people, but they also followed the measurements in their examinations as much as possible. The infection likely occurred while workers were being treated at a sewing shop in Razlog, where there was a boom in coronavirus cases.

The history
First the father, Dr. Musa, tested positive, then his wife, but she got worse too quickly and went to the hospital. A day later, Dr. Musa was admitted. After his parents, Dr. Emil Vaklyov took a test without any symptoms and it came back positive. Since he had no complaints, he sat in isolation around seven at home. Suddenly he began to deteriorate and was transported to Blagoevgrad. As a result, the condition of the three deteriorated dramatically and they were transported to Pirogov.

They spent 10 days in Pirogov fighting for the life of Dr. Musa, but he died. 5 days later, today, his son, the mother, a nurse, is in a very serious condition, intubated and is in the intensive care unit of the emergency institute.

This is the 10th medical person to lose the fight against Covid-19 in Bulgaria. How do you sleep at night, Ass Prof Atanas Mangarov, pediatric infectious diseases? Did they die of Covid-19 or with Covid-19? If it weren’t for Covid-19, how many thousands of human lives could these incredible colleagues of yours still save?

A colleague of Dr. Vaklyov Jr .: “Emil Vaklyov is my colleague, a young doctor, from my medical course at the University of Pleven. His father died and his mother fights for her life. Today, and our colleague, friend, Emil, the son of Dr. Musa Vaklyov, has he left this world forever? There is also a little boy. How many more people and doctors do we have to allow ourselves to believe that the virus is not harmless? All that is required is common sense and the observance of simple rules. I express my deepest condolences to his family and relatives. “

Dr. Boris Tablov: “Do you know the worst feeling in intensive care units? The feeling of helplessness. Seeing how human life is going and not being able to do anything to stop it, despite all the efforts you make. It turned out Saber that all this could have been avoided with a few simple efforts of others.

When impotence recedes, anger and pain come. The pain for those who are left to fight with their loss and their anger, towards those who have caused or not prevented this loss.
This is exactly how I feel today: angry, helpless, and overwhelmed with pain.

Because the virus does what it can: it follows its genetic code to survive. But we supposedly reasonable ones do the exact opposite. We threaten the survival of others because it violates our personal pleasure. However, dear experts, those who follow the measures do not endanger their health in any way. I can’t say the same for you.

Rest in peace, dear boy! And hopefully, where you are, there are more people! “

Rest in peace!

(From Facebook)
