WHO: The mask is not enough to protect against COVID-19


Physical distance and personal hygiene play a fundamental role

World Health Organization expert Maria Van Kerch cautions that many people underestimate the importance of physical distance, which increases the risk of infection.

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Wearing masks alone is not enough to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Kerch said, adding that people should keep a safe distance from others.

“We see that people no longer adhere to physical distancing,” he told a WHO news conference. “Even if you are wearing a mask, you should try to maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter and even more, if possible,” the expert warned.

The WHO has compiled a list of measures to limit the spread and transmission of the virus, the most important of which are: wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and washing and sanitizing hands frequently.

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“So a mask alone is not enough. Not just keeping your distance. Not just disinfecting your hands and maintaining good personal hygiene. Do all three at the same time,” Kerhove said.

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