Dr. Emil Vaklyov, who was killed by COVID-19, leaves behind an orphan


Two wonderful doctors, father and son, Dr. Musa and Emil Vaklyovi, were killed by the coronavirus. The deadly chameleon first penetrated Kraishte’s respected and practiced general practitioner, Dr. Musa Vaklyov and his wife Ada, his office nurse, writes struma.com.

5 villages in Razlog served the Vaklyov family, and the worst was when an entire sewing workshop in Razlog caught fire and the dedicated Dr. Musa Vaklyov was at the forefront of treating the infected, fighting for their lives to pay with his own life. your mission as a doctor.

His wife Ada, who is still on the border between life and death in “Pirogov”, was also infected.

The coronavirus “squeezed” their throats and their son, 37-year-old cardiologist Dr. Emil Vaklyov, who was concerned about his parents’ condition, forgot himself. And the coronavirus did not forgive him.

The three Vaklovs were taken to Pirogov in serious condition.

The news of Dr. Musa Vaklyov’s death literally shook the area, his patients were shocked. They remember the doctor as extremely devoted and always available for their pain and suffering.

Soon the other black news came. The coronavirus turned out to be stronger than the young Dr. Emil Vaklyov. The cardiologist lost the battle with the deadly enemy without any concomitant illness, so his death literally shocked everyone who knew him.

Tears at Pulse Hospital marked Friday, when the black news arrived. “The best colleague, a happy and wonderful person, is incredible,” commented his shocked colleagues.

The impact hit Dr. Vaklyov’s wife, a dentist, the mother of his son, with full force.

A great human tragedy, an entire family killed by the insidious killer virus.

And in the background of full hospitals, in the background of the deaths that have fallen over hundreds in our country, there are people, ignorant and irresponsible, who do not follow the measures against the epidemic, without believing that the virus exists.

They draw world conspiracies, they invent imaginary theories in which they try to persuade, trusting in their rights. Characteristic of the ignorant!

And that is why they do not protect themselves irresponsibly, they do not protect not only themselves, but also their relatives. They do not comply with the anti-epidemic measures, becoming a potential threat for the spread of the disease. “The coronavirus is a terrible thing, we have not encountered such an infection so far,” doctors say.

This virus is like a chameleon, with thousands of manifestations, with severe and varied symptoms, sometimes hidden and extremely dangerous, there is no such miracle, doctors say.

Those we systematically insult, whose work we systematically underestimate, are today at the forefront of fighting the virus, putting their lives and health at risk every minute.
