Migrants raped two children and buried them alive in Sweden


Two teenagers had a real nightmare in a Swedish cemetery before being buried alive there. The victims were tortured and raped by two older men before the police intervened and saved their lives.

The children were attacked by a 21-year-old man and his 18-year-old friend around 11 p.m. Sunday in Solna, near the capital Stockholm. The suspects first offered to sell the drugs to the children, but when the victims refused, the perpetrators forcibly took them to the cemetery. Police said the two victims were subjected to physical violence, which could be described as torture. They were stabbed in the legs and cut.

They also suffered other injuries. The children were then raped in the middle of the cemetery, the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reported, cited by Blitz. Their exact age is not reported, but according to the information, both boys are minors, which means, according to Swedish law, they are under 15 years of age.

After the rape, they were forced to strip completely and enter a well. The rapists buried them alive in it. Fortunately for the victims, a passerby realized something was wrong and called the police around 8:39 a.m., 10 hours after the kidnapping of the children. Minutes later, the police arrived at the cemetery and rescued the children. The rapists, one from Iran and the other from Tunisia, were subsequently arrested. Both men are reportedly known to the police and have criminal records.

“One of the perpetrators is a 21-year-old Iranian-born man who came to Sweden as a child in 2009. He has since been convicted of multiple crimes in Sweden,” Fria Tider reported, citing a statement from the Swedish police. Last month, he was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for arson for setting fire to sports cars parked in Gustavsberg in Vermöde, east of Stockholm, last December. He was also convicted of robbery, illegal driving, drunk driving and drug trafficking. It is not clear at this time why he was released, as he must be in prison based on the latest sentence against him. The other 18-year-old suspect is the son of Tunisian immigrants and also has a criminal record.

